

Looping Statements
Looping statements appear inside procedural blocks only; Verilog has four looping statements like any other programming language. |


The forever statement
The forever loop executes continually, the loop never ends. Normally we use forever statements in initial blocks. |

syntax : forever < statement > |

One should be very careful in using a forever statement: if no timing construct is present in the forever statement, simulation could hang. The code below is one such application, where a timing construct is included inside a forever statement. |

Example - Free running clock generator

1 module forever_example ();
3 reg clk;
5 initial begin
6 #1 clk = 0;
7 forever begin
8 #5 clk = ! clk;
9 end
10 end
12 initial begin
13 $monitor ("Time = %d clk = %b",$time, clk);
14 #100 $finish;
15 end
17 endmodule
You could download file forever_example.v here

The repeat statement
The repeat loop executes < statement > a fixed < number > of times. |

syntax : repeat (< number >) < statement > |


Example- repeat

1 module repeat_example();
2 reg [3:0] opcode;
3 reg [15:0] data;
4 reg temp;
6 always @ (opcode or data)
7 begin
8 if (opcode == 10) begin
9 // Perform rotate
10 repeat (8) begin
11 #1 temp = data[15];
12 data = data << 1;
13 data[0] = temp;
14 end
15 end
16 end
17 // Simple test code
18 initial begin
19 $display (" TEMP DATA");
20 $monitor (" %b %b ",temp, data);
21 #1 data = 18'hF0;
22 #1 opcode = 10;
23 #10 opcode = 0;
24 #1 $finish;
25 end
27 endmodule
You could download file repeat_example.v here

The while loop statement

The while loop executes as long as an < expression > evaluates as true. This is the same as in any other programming language. |

syntax : while (< expression >) < statement > |

Example- while

1 module while_example();
3 reg [5:0] loc;
4 reg [7:0] data;
6 always @ (data or loc)
7 begin
8 loc = 0;
9 // If Data is 0, then loc is 32 (invalid value)
10 if (data == 0) begin
11 loc = 32;
12 end else begin
13 while (data[0] == 0) begin
14 loc = loc + 1;
15 data = data >> 1;
16 end
17 end
18 $display ("DATA = %b LOCATION = %d",data,loc);
19 end
21 initial begin
22 #1 data = 8'b11;
23 #1 data = 8'b100;
24 #1 data = 8'b1000;
25 #1 data = 8'b1000_0000;
26 #1 data = 8'b0;
27 #1 $finish;
28 end
30 endmodule
You could download file while_example.v here

The for loop statement
The for loop is the same as the for loop used in any other programming language. |

- Executes an < initial assignment > once at the start of the loop.
- Executes the loop as long as an < expression > evaluates as true.
- Executes a < step assignment > at the end of each pass through the loop.

syntax : for (< initial assignment >; < expression >, < step assignment >) < statement > |
Note : verilog does not have ++ operator as in the case of C language. |

Example - For

1 module for_example();
3 integer i;
4 reg [7:0] ram [0:255];
6 initial begin
7 for (i = 0; i < 256; i = i + 1) begin
8 #1 $display(" Address = %g Data = %h",i,ram[i]);
9 ram[i] <= 0; // Initialize the RAM with 0
10 #1 $display(" Address = %g Data = %h",i,ram[i]);
11 end
12 #1 $finish;
13 end
15 endmodule
You could download file for_example.v here



