

The Conditional Statement if-else
The if - else statement controls the execution of other statements. In programming language like c, if - else controls the flow of program. When more than one statement needs to be executed for an if condition, then we need to use begin and end as seen in earlier examples. |

Syntax : if |
if (condition) |
statements; |

Syntax : if-else |
if (condition) |
statements; |
else |
statements; |

Syntax : nested if-else-if |
if (condition) |
statements; |
else if (condition) |
statements; |
................ |
................ |
else |
statements; |

Example- simple if

1 module simple_if();
3 reg latch;
4 wire enable,din;
6 always @ (enable or din)
7 if (enable) begin
8 latch <= din;
9 end
11 endmodule
You could download file simple_if.v here

Example- if-else

1 module if_else();
3 reg dff;
4 wire clk,din,reset;
6 always @ (posedge clk)
7 if (reset) begin
8 dff <= 0;
9 end else begin
10 dff <= din;
11 end
13 endmodule
You could download file if_else.v here

Example- nested-if-else-if

1 module nested_if();
3 reg [3:0] counter;
4 reg clk,reset,enable, up_en, down_en;
6 always @ (posedge clk)
7 // If reset is asserted
8 if (reset == 1'b0) begin
9 counter <= 4'b0000;
10 // If counter is enable and up count is asserted
11 end else if (enable == 1'b1 && up_en == 1'b1) begin
12 counter <= counter + 1'b1;
13 // If counter is enable and down count is asserted
14 end else if (enable == 1'b1 && down_en == 1'b1) begin
15 counter <= counter - 1'b1;
16 // If counting is disabled
17 end else begin
18 counter <= counter; // Redundant code
19 end
21 // Testbench code
22 initial begin
23 $monitor ("@%0dns reset=%b enable=%b up=%b down=%b count=%b",
24 $time, reset, enable, up_en, down_en,counter);
25 $display("@%0dns Driving all inputs to know state",$time);
26 clk = 0;
27 reset = 0;
28 enable = 0;
29 up_en = 0;
30 down_en = 0;
31 #3 reset = 1;
32 $display("@%0dns De-Asserting reset",$time);
33 #4 enable = 1;
34 $display("@%0dns De-Asserting reset",$time);
35 #4 up_en = 1;
36 $display("@%0dns Putting counter in up count mode",$time);
37 #10 up_en = 0;
38 down_en = 1;
39 $display("@%0dns Putting counter in down count mode",$time);
40 #8 $finish;
41 end
43 always #1 clk = ~clk;
45 endmodule
You could download file nested_if.v here

Simulation Log- nested-if-else-if

@0ns Driving all inputs to know state
@0ns reset=0 enable=0 up=0 down=0 count=xxxx
@1ns reset=0 enable=0 up=0 down=0 count=0000
@3ns De-Asserting reset
@3ns reset=1 enable=0 up=0 down=0 count=0000
@7ns De-Asserting reset
@7ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=0 count=0000
@11ns Putting counter in up count mode
@11ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0001
@13ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0010
@15ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0011
@17ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0100
@19ns reset=1 enable=1 up=1 down=0 count=0101
@21ns Putting counter in down count mode
@21ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0100
@23ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0011
@25ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0010
@27ns reset=1 enable=1 up=0 down=1 count=0001

Parallel if-else
In the above example, the (enable == 1'b1 && up_en == 1'b1) is given highest priority and condition (enable == 1'b1 && down_en == 1'b1) is given lowest priority. We normally don't include reset checking in priority as this does not fall in the combo logic input to the flip-flop as shown in the figure below. |


So when we need priority logic, we use nested if-else statements. On the other hand if we don't want to implement priority logic, knowing that only one input is active at a time (i.e. all inputs are mutually exclusive), then we can write the code as shown below. |

It's known fact that priority implementation takes more logic to implement than parallel implementation. So if you know the inputs are mutually exclusive, then you can code the logic in parallel if. |

1 module parallel_if();
3 reg [3:0] counter;
4 wire clk,reset,enable, up_en, down_en;
6 always @ (posedge clk)
7 // If reset is asserted
8 if (reset == 1'b0) begin
9 counter <= 4'b0000;
10 end else begin
11 // If counter is enable and up count is mode
12 if (enable == 1'b1 && up_en == 1'b1) begin
13 counter <= counter + 1'b1;
14 end
15 // If counter is enable and down count is mode
16 if (enable == 1'b1 && down_en == 1'b1) begin
17 counter <= counter - 1'b1;
18 end
19 end
21 endmodule
You could download file parallel_if.v here

The Case Statement
The case statement compares an expression to a series of cases and executes the statement or statement group associated with the first matching case: |

- case statement supports single or multiple statements.
- Group multiple statements using begin and end keywords.

Syntax of a case statement look as shown below. |
case () |
< case1 > : < statement > |
< case2 > : < statement > |
..... |
default : < statement > |
endcase |

Normal Case


Example- case

1 module mux (a,b,c,d,sel,y);
2 input a, b, c, d;
3 input [1:0] sel;
4 output y;
6 reg y;
8 always @ (a or b or c or d or sel)
9 case (sel)
10 0 : y = a;
11 1 : y = b;
12 2 : y = c;
13 3 : y = d;
14 default : $display("Error in SEL");
15 endcase
17 endmodule
You could download file mux.v here

Example- case without default

1 module mux_without_default (a,b,c,d,sel,y);
2 input a, b, c, d;
3 input [1:0] sel;
4 output y;
6 reg y;
8 always @ (a or b or c or d or sel)
9 case (sel)
10 0 : y = a;
11 1 : y = b;
12 2 : y = c;
13 3 : y = d;
14 2'bxx,2'bx0,2'bx1,2'b0x,2'b1x,
15 2'bzz,2'bz0,2'bz1,2'b0z,2'b1z : $display("Error in SEL");
16 endcase
18 endmodule
You could download file mux_without_default.v here

The example above shows how to specify multiple case items as a single case item. |

The Verilog case statement does an identity comparison (like the === operator); one can use the case statement to check for logic x and z values as shown in the example below. |

Example- case with x and z

1 module case_xz(enable);
2 input enable;
4 always @ (enable)
5 case(enable)
6 1'bz : $display ("enable is floating");
7 1'bx : $display ("enable is unknown");
8 default : $display ("enable is %b",enable);
9 endcase
11 endmodule
You could download file case_xz.v here

The casez and casex statement
Special versions of the case statement allow the x ad z logic values to be used as "don't care": |

- casez : Treats z as don't care.
- casex : Treats x and z as don't care.

Example- casez

1 module casez_example();
2 reg [3:0] opcode;
3 reg [1:0] a,b,c;
4 reg [1:0] out;
6 always @ (opcode or a or b or c)
7 casez(opcode)
8 4'b1zzx : begin // Don't care about lower 2:1 bit, bit 0 match with x
9 out = a;
10 $display("@%0dns 4'b1zzx is selected, opcode %b",$time,opcode);
11 end
12 4'b01?? : begin
13 out = b; // bit 1:0 is don't care
14 $display("@%0dns 4'b01?? is selected, opcode %b",$time,opcode);
15 end
16 4'b001? : begin // bit 0 is don't care
17 out = c;
18 $display("@%0dns 4'b001? is selected, opcode %b",$time,opcode);
19 end
20 default : begin
21 $display("@%0dns default is selected, opcode %b",$time,opcode);
22 end
23 endcase
25 // Testbench code goes here
26 always #2 a = $random;
27 always #2 b = $random;
28 always #2 c = $random;
30 initial begin
31 opcode = 0;
32 #2 opcode = 4'b101x;
33 #2 opcode = 4'b0101;
34 #2 opcode = 4'b0010;
35 #2 opcode = 4'b0000;
36 #2 $finish;
37 end
39 endmodule
You could download file casez_example.v here

Simulation Output - casez

@0ns default is selected, opcode 0000
@2ns 4'b1zzx is selected, opcode 101x
@4ns 4'b01?? is selected, opcode 0101
@6ns 4'b001? is selected, opcode 0010
@8ns default is selected, opcode 0000

Example- casex

1 module casex_example();
2 reg [3:0] opcode;
3 reg [1:0] a,b,c;
4 reg [1:0] out;
6 always @ (opcode or a or b or c)
7 casex(opcode)
8 4'b1zzx : begin // Don't care 2:0 bits
9 out = a;
10 $display("@%0dns 4'b1zzx is selected, opcode %b",$time,opcode);
11 end
12 4'b01?? : begin // bit 1:0 is don't care
13 out = b;
14 $display("@%0dns 4'b01?? is selected, opcode %b",$time,opcode);
15 end
16 4'b001? : begin // bit 0 is don't care
17 out = c;
18 $display("@%0dns 4'b001? is selected, opcode %b",$time,opcode);
19 end
20 default : begin
21 $display("@%0dns default is selected, opcode %b",$time,opcode);
22 end
23 endcase
25 // Testbench code goes here
26 always #2 a = $random;
27 always #2 b = $random;
28 always #2 c = $random;
30 initial begin
31 opcode = 0;
32 #2 opcode = 4'b101x;
33 #2 opcode = 4'b0101;
34 #2 opcode = 4'b0010;
35 #2 opcode = 4'b0000;
36 #2 $finish;
37 end
39 endmodule
You could download file casex_example.v here

Simulation Output - casex

@0ns default is selected, opcode 0000
@2ns 4'b1zzx is selected, opcode 101x
@4ns 4'b01?? is selected, opcode 0101
@6ns 4'b001? is selected, opcode 0010
@8ns default is selected, opcode 0000

Example- Comparing case, casex, casez

1 module case_compare;
3 reg sel;
5 initial begin
6 #1 $display ("\n Driving 0");
7 sel = 0;
8 #1 $display ("\n Driving 1");
9 sel = 1;
10 #1 $display ("\n Driving x");
11 sel = 1'bx;
12 #1 $display ("\n Driving z");
13 sel = 1'bz;
14 #1 $finish;
15 end
17 always @ (sel)
18 case (sel)
19 1'b0 : $display("Normal : Logic 0 on sel");
20 1'b1 : $display("Normal : Logic 1 on sel");
21 1'bx : $display("Normal : Logic x on sel");
22 1'bz : $display("Normal : Logic z on sel");
23 endcase
25 always @ (sel)
26 casex (sel)
27 1'b0 : $display("CASEX : Logic 0 on sel");
28 1'b1 : $display("CASEX : Logic 1 on sel");
29 1'bx : $display("CASEX : Logic x on sel");
30 1'bz : $display("CASEX : Logic z on sel");
31 endcase
33 always @ (sel)
34 casez (sel)
35 1'b0 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel");
36 1'b1 : $display("CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel");
37 1'bx : $display("CASEZ : Logic x on sel");
38 1'bz : $display("CASEZ : Logic z on sel");
39 endcase
41 endmodule
You could download file case_compare.v here

Simulation Output |

Driving 0
Normal : Logic 0 on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel
Driving 1
Normal : Logic 1 on sel
CASEX : Logic 1 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 1 on sel
Driving x
Normal : Logic x on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic x on sel
Driving z
Normal : Logic z on sel
CASEX : Logic 0 on sel
CASEZ : Logic 0 on sel



