

Hierarchical Identifiers
Hierarchical path names are based on the top module identifier followed by module instant identifiers, separated by periods. |

This is useful basically when we want to see the signal inside a lower module, or want to force a value inside an internal module. The example below shows how to monitor the value of an internal module signal. |


1 //-----------------------------------------------------
2 // This is simple adder Program
3 // Design Name : adder_hier
4 // File Name : adder_hier.v
5 // Function : This program shows verilog hier path works
6 // Coder : Deepak
7 //-----------------------------------------------------
8 `include "addbit.v"
9 module adder_hier (
10 result , // Output of the adder
11 carry , // Carry output of adder
12 r1 , // first input
13 r2 , // second input
14 ci // carry input
15 );
17 // Input Port Declarations
18 input [3:0] r1 ;
19 input [3:0] r2 ;
20 input ci ;
22 // Output Port Declarations
23 output [3:0] result ;
24 output carry ;
26 // Port Wires
27 wire [3:0] r1 ;
28 wire [3:0] r2 ;
29 wire ci ;
30 wire [3:0] result ;
31 wire carry ;
33 // Internal variables
34 wire c1 ;
35 wire c2 ;
36 wire c3 ;
38 // Code Starts Here
39 addbit u0 (r1[0],r2[0],ci,result[0],c1);
40 addbit u1 (r1[1],r2[1],c1,result[1],c2);
41 addbit u2 (r1[2],r2[2],c2,result[2],c3);
42 addbit u3 (r1[3],r2[3],c3,result[3],carry);
44 endmodule // End Of Module adder
46 module tb();
48 reg [3:0] r1,r2;
49 reg ci;
50 wire [3:0] result;
51 wire carry;
53 // Drive the inputs
54 initial begin
55 r1 = 0;
56 r2 = 0;
57 ci = 0;
58 #10 r1 = 10;
59 #10 r2 = 2;
60 #10 ci = 1;
61 #10 $display("+--------------------------------------------------------+");
62 $finish;
63 end
65 // Connect the lower module
66 adder_hier U (result,carry,r1,r2,ci);
68 // Hier demo here
69 initial begin
70 $display("+--------------------------------------------------------+");
71 $display("| r1 | r2 | ci | u0.sum | u1.sum | u2.sum | u3.sum |");
72 $display("+--------------------------------------------------------+");
73 $monitor("| %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h | %h |",
74 r1,r2,ci, tb.U.u0.sum, tb.U.u1.sum, tb.U.u2.sum, tb.U.u3.sum);
75 end
77 endmodule
You could download file adder_hier.v here

| r1 | r2 | ci | u0.sum | u1.sum | u2.sum | u3.sum |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| a | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
| a | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| a | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |

Data Types
Verilog Language has two primary data types: |

- Nets - represent structural connections between components.
- Registers - represent variables used to store data.

Every signal has a data type associated with it: |

- Explicitly declared with a declaration in your Verilog code.
- Implicitly declared with no declaration when used to connect structural building blocks in your code. Implicit declaration is always a net type "wire" and is one bit wide.


Types of Nets
Each net type has a functionality that is used to model different types of hardware (such as PMOS, NMOS, CMOS, etc) |

Net Data Type
wire, tri
Interconnecting wire - no special resolution function
wor, trior
Wired outputs OR together (models ECL)
wand, triand
Wired outputs AND together (models open-collector)
tri0, tri1
Net pulls-down or pulls-up when not driven
supply0, supply1
Net has a constant logic 0 or logic 1 (supply strength)
Retains last value, when driven by z (tristate).

Note : Of all net types, wire is the one which is most widely used. |

Example - wor

1 module test_wor();
3 wor a;
4 reg b, c;
6 assign a = b;
7 assign a = c;
9 initial begin
10 $monitor("%g a = %b b = %b c = %b", $time, a, b, c);
11 #1 b = 0;
12 #1 c = 0;
13 #1 b = 1;
14 #1 b = 0;
15 #1 c = 1;
16 #1 b = 1;
17 #1 b = 0;
18 #1 $finish;
19 end
21 endmodule
You could download file test_wor.v here

Simulator Output |
0 a = x b = x c = x
1 a = x b = 0 c = x
2 a = 0 b = 0 c = 0
3 a = 1 b = 1 c = 0
4 a = 0 b = 0 c = 0
5 a = 1 b = 0 c = 1
6 a = 1 b = 1 c = 1
7 a = 1 b = 0 c = 1


Example - wand

1 module test_wand();
3 wand a;
4 reg b, c;
6 assign a = b;
7 assign a = c;
9 initial begin
10 $monitor("%g a = %b b = %b c = %b", $time, a, b, c);
11 #1 b = 0;
12 #1 c = 0;
13 #1 b = 1;
14 #1 b = 0;
15 #1 c = 1;
16 #1 b = 1;
17 #1 b = 0;
18 #1 $finish;
19 end
21 endmodule
You could download file test_wand.v here

Simulator Output |
0 a = x b = x c = x
1 a = 0 b = 0 c = x
2 a = 0 b = 0 c = 0
3 a = 0 b = 1 c = 0
4 a = 0 b = 0 c = 0
5 a = 0 b = 0 c = 1
6 a = 1 b = 1 c = 1
7 a = 0 b = 0 c = 1

Example - tri

1 module test_tri();
3 tri a;
4 reg b, c;
6 assign a = (b) ? c : 1'bz;
8 initial begin
9 $monitor("%g a = %b b = %b c = %b", $time, a, b, c);
10 b = 0;
11 c = 0;
12 #1 b = 1;
13 #1 b = 0;
14 #1 c = 1;
15 #1 b = 1;
16 #1 b = 0;
17 #1 $finish;
18 end
20 endmodule
You could download file test_tri.v here

Simulator Output |
0 a = z b = 0 c = 0
1 a = 0 b = 1 c = 0
2 a = z b = 0 c = 0
3 a = z b = 0 c = 1
4 a = 1 b = 1 c = 1
5 a = z b = 0 c = 1

Example - trireg

1 module test_trireg();
3 trireg a;
4 reg b, c;
6 assign a = (b) ? c : 1'bz;
8 initial begin
9 $monitor("%g a = %b b = %b c = %b", $time, a, b, c);
10 b = 0;
11 c = 0;
12 #1 b = 1;
13 #1 b = 0;
14 #1 c = 1;
15 #1 b = 1;
16 #1 b = 0;
17 #1 $finish;
18 end
20 endmodule
You could download file test_trireg.v here

Simulator Output |
0 a = x b = 0 c = 0
1 a = 0 b = 1 c = 0
2 a = 0 b = 0 c = 0
3 a = 0 b = 0 c = 1
4 a = 1 b = 1 c = 1
5 a = 1 b = 0 c = 1

Register Data Types

- Registers store the last value assigned to them until another assignment statement changes their value.
- Registers represent data storage constructs.
- You can create regs arrays called memories.
- register data types are used as variables in procedural blocks.
- A register data type is required if a signal is assigned a value within a procedural block
- Procedural blocks begin with keyword initial and always.

Data Types
Unsigned variable
Signed variable - 32 bits
Unsigned integer - 64 bits
Double precision floating point variable

Note : Of all register types, reg is the one which is most widely used |


A string is a sequence of characters enclosed by double quotes and all contained on a single line. Strings used as operands in expressions and assignments are treated as a sequence of eight-bit ASCII values, with one eight-bit ASCII value representing one character. To declare a variable to store a string, declare a register large enough to hold the maximum number of characters the variable will hold. Note that no extra bits are required to hold a termination character; Verilog does not store a string termination character. Strings can be manipulated using the standard operators. |

When a variable is larger than required to hold a value being assigned, Verilog pads the contents on the left with zeros after the assignment. This is consistent with the padding that occurs during assignment of non-string values. |

Certain characters can be used in strings only when preceded by an introductory character called an escape character. The following table lists these characters in the right-hand column together with the escape sequence that represents the character in the left-hand column. |

Special Characters in Strings

New line character
Tab character
Backslash (\) character
Double quote (") character
A character specified in 1-3 octal digits (0 <= d <= 7)
Percent (%) character


1 //-----------------------------------------------------
2 // Design Name : strings
3 // File Name : strings.v
4 // Function : This program shows how string
5 // can be stored in reg
6 // Coder : Deepak Kumar Tala
7 //-----------------------------------------------------
8 module strings();
9 // Declare a register variable that is 21 bytes
10 reg [8*21:0] string ;
12 initial begin
13 string = "This is sample string";
14 $display ("%s \n", string);
15 end
17 endmodule
You could download file strings.v here

This is sample string



