

Well most of the changes in Verilog 2001 are picked from other languages, like generate, configuration, file operation were from VHDL. I am just adding a list of the most commonly used Verilog 2001 changes. You may need a simulator with Verilog 2001 support for testing the examples listed below. |

Comma used in sensitive list
In earlier version of Verilog ,we used to use 'or' to specify more than one sensitivity list element. In the case of Verilog 2001, we use comma as shown in the example below. |

1 module comma_example();
3 reg a, b, c, d, e;
4 reg [2:0] sum, sum95;
6 // Verilog 2k example for usage of comma
7 always @ (a, b, c, d, e)
8 begin : SUM_V2K
9 sum = a + b + c + d + e;
10 end
12 // Verilog 95 example for above code
13 always @ (a or b or c or d or e)
14 begin : SUM_V95
15 sum95 = a + b + c + d + e;
16 end
18 initial begin
19 $monitor ("%g a=%b b=%b c=%b d=%b e=%b sum=%b sum95=%b",
20 $time, a, b, c, d, e, sum, sum95);
21 #1 a = 1;
22 #1 b = 1;
23 #1 c = 1;
24 #1 d = 1;
25 #1 e = 1;
26 #1 $finish;
27 end
29 endmodule
You could download file comma_example.v here

We can use the same for edge sensitive code also, as shown in the code below. |

1 module comma_edge_example();
3 reg clk, reset, d;
4 reg q, q95;
6 // Verilog 2k example for usage of comma
7 always @ (posedge clk, posedge reset)
8 begin : V2K
9 if (reset) q <= 0;
10 else q <= d;
11 end
13 // Verilog 95 example for above code
14 always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset)
15 begin : V95
16 if (reset) q95 <= 0;
17 else q95 <= d;
18 end
20 initial begin
21 $monitor ("%g clk=%b reset=%b d=%b q=%b q95=%b",
22 $time, clk, reset, d, q, q95);
23 clk = 0;
24 reset = 0;
25 d = 0;
26 #4 reset = 1;
27 #4 reset = 0;
28 #1 d = 1;
29 #10 $finish;
30 end
32 initial #1 forever clk = #1 ~clk;
34 endmodule
You could download file comma_edge_example.v here

Combinational logic sensitive list
Verilog 2001 allows us to use star in sensitive list instead of listing all the variables in RHS. This removes typo mistakes and thus avoids simulation and synthesis mismatches. |

1 module star_example();
3 reg a, b, c, d, e;
4 reg [2:0] sum, sum95;
6 // Verilog 2k example for usage of star for combo logic
7 always @ (*)
8 begin : SUM_V2K
9 sum = a + b + c + d + e;
10 end
12 // Verilog 95 example for above code
13 always @ (a or b or c or d or e)
14 begin : SUM_V95
15 sum95 = a + b + c + d + e;
16 end
18 initial begin
19 $monitor ("%g a=%b b=%b c=%b d=%b e=%b sum=%b sum95=%b",
20 $time, a, b, c, d, e, sum, sum95);
21 #1 a = 1;
22 #1 b = 1;
23 #1 c = 1;
24 #1 d = 1;
25 #1 e = 1;
26 #1 $finish;
27 end
29 endmodule
You could download file star_example.v here

Wire Data type
In Verilog 1995, default data type is net and its width is always 1 bit. In Verilog 2001 the width is adjusted automatically. |

In Verilog 2001, we can disable default data type by `default net_type none, This basically helps in catching the undeclared wires. |


Register Data type
Register data type is called variable, as it created a lot of confusion for beginners. Also it is possible to specify an initial value for the register/variable data type. Reg data type can also be declared as signed. |

1 module v2k_reg();
3 // v2k allows to init variables
4 reg a = 0;
5 // Here only last variable is set to 0, i.e d = 0
6 // Rest b, c are set to x
7 reg b, c, d = 0;
8 // reg data type can be signed in v2k
9 // We can assign with signed constants
10 reg signed [7:0] data = 8'shF0;
12 // Function can return signed values
13 // Its ports can contain signed ports
14 function signed [7:0] adder;
15 input a_in;
16 input b_in;
17 input c_in;
18 input signed [7:0] data_in;
19 begin
20 adder = a_in + b_in + c_in + data_in;
21 end
22 endfunction
24 endmodule
You could download file v2k_reg.v here

New operators
Verilog 2001 introduced two new operator that are of interest to designers. They are |

- <<< : Shift left, to be used on signed data type
- >>> : shift right, to be used on signed data type
- ** : exponential power operator.

Signed shift operator

1 module signed_shift();
3 reg [7:0] unsigned_shift;
4 reg [7:0] signed_shift;
5 reg signed [7:0] data = 8'hAA;
7 initial begin
8 unsigned_shift = data >> 4;
9 $display ("unsigned shift = %b", unsigned_shift);
10 signed_shift = data >>> 4;
11 $display ("signed shift = %b", signed_shift);
12 unsigned_shift = data << 1;
13 $display ("unsigned shift = %b", unsigned_shift);
14 signed_shift = data <<< 1;
15 $display ("signed shift = %b", signed_shift);
16 $finish;
17 end
19 endmodule
You could download file signed_shift.v here

Power operator

1 module power_operator();
3 reg [3:0] base = 2;
4 reg [5:0] exponent = 1;
5 reg [31:0] result = 0;
7 initial begin
8 $monitor ("base = %d exponent = %d result = %d", base, exponent, result);
9 repeat (10) begin
10 #1 exponent = exponent + 1;
11 end
12 #1 $finish;
13 end
15 always @ (*)
16 begin
17 result = base ** exponent;
18 end
20 endmodule
You could download file power_operator.v here

Port Declaration
Verilog 2001 allows port direction and data type in the port list of modules as shown in the example below. |

1 module ansiport_example();
3 reg read,write = 0;
4 reg [7:0] data_in = 0;
5 reg [3:0] addr = 0;
6 wire [7:0] data_v95, data_notype, data_ansi;
8 initial begin
9 $monitor (
10 "%g rd=%b wr=%b addr=%b data_in=%h data_v95=%h data_notype=%h data_ansi=%h"
11 , $time, read, write, addr, data_in, data_v95, data_notype, data_ansi);
12 #1 read = 0; // why only for read ?
13 #3 repeat (16) begin
14 data_in = $random;
15 write = 1;
16 #1 addr = addr + 1;
17 end
18 write = 0;
19 addr = 0;
20 #3 repeat (16) begin
21 read = 1;
22 #1 addr = addr + 1;
23 end
24 read = 0;
25 #1 $finish;
26 end
28 memory_v95 U (read, write, data_in, addr, data_v95);
29 memory_ansi_notype W (read, write, data_in, addr, data_notype);
30 memory_ansi V (read, write, data_in, addr, data_ansi);
32 endmodule
33 // Verilog 95 code
34 module memory_v95 ( read, write, data_in, addr, data_out);
35 input read;
36 input write;
37 input [7:0] data_in;
38 input [3:0] addr;
39 output [7:0] data_out;
41 reg [7:0] data_out;
42 reg [7:0] mem [0:15];
44 always @ (*)
45 begin
46 if (write) mem[addr] = data_in;
47 end
49 always @ (read, addr)
50 begin
51 if (read) data_out = mem[addr];
52 end
54 endmodule
56 // Verilog 2k with notype in port list
57 module memory_ansi_notype (
58 input read,
59 input write,
60 input [7:0] data_in,
61 input [3:0] addr,
62 output [7:0] data_out
63 );
64 reg [7:0] mem [0:15];
66 always @ (*)
67 begin
68 if (write) mem[addr] = data_in;
69 end
71 assign data_out = (read) ? mem[addr] : 0;
73 endmodule
75 // Verilog 2k with width and data type listed
76 module memory_ansi (
77 input wire read,
78 input wire write,
79 input wire [7:0] data_in,
80 input wire [3:0] addr,
81 output reg [7:0] data_out
82 );
84 reg [7:0] mem [0:15];
86 always @ (*)
87 begin
88 if (write) mem[addr] = data_in;
89 end
91 always @ (read, addr)
92 begin
93 if (read) data_out = mem[addr];
94 end
96 endmodule
You could download file ansiport_example.v here



