

This section is about misc questions asked about Verilog. |

I am fresh from college; how can I get into ASIC/VLSI domain?
Getting in ASIC/VLSI is very simple, just follow the following steps. |
- You need to be good at digital fundamentals. This could be achieved by reading good digital books or reading the tutorial at www.asic-world.com
- Pick one HDL, Verilog or VHDL; well, Verilog is a lot easier. Buy some books, or download online tutorials. If you know any programming language, then you could pickup any HDL in less than one week.
- Now that you are ready with digital and HDL, you can download a free or student version of the tools.
- Just practice the example code in books or material downloaded.
- If you get any doubt, you can ask them in newsgroups, or in yahoo groups.
That was the hard and right way to do things; there is an easy way, you can always join a training institute and spend some money. |


I am doing my final semester and I want some good project in Verilog.
Normally it is good to select a project which is very current, but then you must have someone in the industry telling you what is the latest. If you manage to do a latest technology project, you have good chances to get a job. As of when this FAQ was written PCI Express is one of the latest in technology. Processors are always cool to do as project. |

Where can I find code for I8155 and xyz code ? (Well I was given this assignment at my college)
Hum, I would like to help you, but not by giving you code; I can guide you to solve the so called design assignment of your college. First, always read the datasheet (understand the problem first), before designing. |

I want to learn Verilog, and ASIC design. Is there any good training institute around ?
There are many training institutes in India, but unlike US, these training institutes lack in quality, as they are run by inexperienced staff. I had many chances to interview various engineers who were recent college graduates and had attended training from these institutes. This feedback may or may not be true, as it is based purely on the feedback I got from others and what I experienced interviewing candidates. |

Have most ASIC tools from Mentor Graphics.
Accel Technologies
Had good reputation in initial years, but now things have changed.
All over India
Offers front end and backend design including Analog & Mixed Signal design.
Does not have good training staff, but good lab and books facility. One good thing
Does not have good training staff, but have complete VLSI flow tools.
IIT Kharagpur
These guys are the best
Offers modules for engineers who are already in the industry.
Offers good training, also supported by a good lab.
These guys are really cool (Only people who spoke about their training staff in their webpage).
Used to be EDA sales people a few years back. Just check them up.
The first training centre in India, these guys used to give one of the best training when they started.
Seems to be a good training centre. Does not offer ASIC/VLSI, but just FPGA/HDL training.
Offers Diploma in VLSI, have good network of training centers in India, but like other starters in this business, offers only FPGA design and a bit of backend training.
Offers wide variety of training.
Offers the best Training in India. I had the chance to visit them some years ago for a business discussion. I was impressed by their staff and the Lab facility they have.
Seems to have a good tools flow setup.

NOTE : Please feel free to give feedback about these training centers. |

Which are the companies that use Verilog for designing Chips ? (Well I want to apply for a job to these companies)
Most of the companies in US and India use Verilog, so you could apply to any company in VLSI. |





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com