

This section is about technical questions that are asked frequently. |

How do I generate clock in Verilog ?
There are many ways to generate clock in Verilog; you could use one of the following methods: |

Method #1 |

1 initial begin
2 clk = 0;
3 end
5 always begin
6 #5 clk = ~clk;
8 end
You could download file clock_always.v here

Method #2 |

1 initial begin
2 clk = 0;
3 forever begin
4 #5 clk = ~clk;
5 end
6 end
You could download file clock_forever.v here

Method #3 |

1 initial begin
2 clk = 0;
3 end
5 always begin
6 #5 clk = 0;
7 #5 clk = 1;
8 end
You could download file clock_always2.v here

There are many ways to generate clocks: you may introduce jitter, change duty cycle. |

How do I test my design xyz ?
To test or verify or validate any design, you need to have a test bench; writing test benches is as difficult as designing itself. Please refer to the Verilog tutorial section in "Art of Writing Test Bench" for more details. |

What is the difference between wire and reg ?
Please refer to tidbits section for the difference between wire and reg. |

What is the difference between blocking and nonblocking assignment ?
Please refer to tidbits section for difference between blocking and nonblocking statement. |


How do I write a state machine in Verilog ?
Please refer to tidbits section for "writing FSM in Verilog". |

How do I avoid Latch in Verilog ?
Latches are always bad (I don't like that statement); latches are caused when all the possible cases of assignment to variable are not covered. Well this rule applies to combinational blocks (blocks with edge sensitive lists are sequential blocks); let's look at the following example. |

Bad Code |
1 always @ (b or c)
2 begin
3 if (b) begin
4 a = c;
5 end
6 end
You could download file latch_bad.v here

In the code above, value of a is retained, and it gets changed only when b is set to '1'. This results in a latch. (Need to phrase it right) |

Good Code #1 |
1 always @ (b or c)
2 begin
3 a = 0;
4 if (b) begin
5 a = c;
6 end
7 end
You could download file latch_good.v here

In the code above, no matter what the value of b is, a gets value of '0' first and if b is set to '1' and c is set to '1', only then a gets '1'. This is the best way to avoid latches. |

Good Code #2 |
1 always @ (b or c)
2 begin
3 if (b) begin
4 a = c;
5 end else begin
6 a = 0;
7 end
8 end
You could download file latch_good2.v here

In the above code, all the possible cases are covered (i.e. b = 1 and b = 0 case). |

How does this xyz code get synthesized ?
Well it is a long story; let me cover that in the synthesis part of Verilog tutorial. You can refer to Actel HDL coding Style. One simple logic is: any code inside always blocks with edge sensitive sensitivity list, results in flip-flops and assign; inside level sensitive always blocks results in combo logic. |

How do I implement Memories in Verilog ?
You can implement them by declaring 2-dimension arrays. More details can be found in the Verilog tutorial section "Modeling memories and FSM". |

How do I read and write from a file ?
To Read from a file we use $readmemh, where h stands for hex decimal. For writing we use $writememh, $fdisplay, $fmonitor. You could refer to the Verilog tutorial section for more details. |

What is this `timescale compiler directive ?
`timescale is used for specifying the reference time unit for the simulator. Syntax of the `timescale is as below: |

`timescale <reference_time_unit>/<time_precision> |

example : `timescale 10ns/1ns |

Timescale directive tends to make more sense at gatelevel simulation than at RTL simulation. |

Can we mix blocking and nonblocking in one always block ?
Yes, we can have both blocking and nonblocking code in same always block. Some things that one should know to use this are: |

- Blocking assignments are treated as combinational logic.
- One should not assign a variable in the same always block with both blocking and nonblocking assignments.
- Not all synthesis tools support this. (Design compiler supports this).



