

Verilog has built-in primitives like gates, transmission gates, and switches. This is a rather small number of primitives; if we need more complex primitives, then Verilog provides UDP, or simply User Defined Primitives. Using UDP we can model |

- Combinational Logic
- Sequential Logic

We can include timing information along with these UDP to model complete ASIC library models. |

UDP begins with reserve word primitive and ends with endprimitive. Ports/terminals of primitive should follow. This is similar to what we do for module definition. UDPs should be defined outside module and endmodule |

1 //This code shows how input/output ports
2 // and primitve is declared
3 primitive udp_syntax (
4 a, // Port a
5 b, // Port b
6 c, // Port c
7 d // Port d
8 );
9 output a;
10 input b,c,d;
12 // UDP function code here
14 endprimitive
You could download file udp_syntax.v here

In the above code, udp_syntax is the primitive name, it contains ports a, b,c,d. |

The formal syntax of the UDP definition is as follows: |

::= primitive <name_of_UDP> ( <output_terminal_name>,
<input_terminal_name> <,<input_terminal_name>>* ) ;
::= <UDP_output_declaration>
||= <reg_declaration>
||= <UDP_input_declaration>
::= output <output_terminal _name>;
::= reg <output_terminal_name> ;
::= input <input_terminal_name> <,<input_terminal_name>>* ;
::= initial <output_terminal_name> = <init_val> ;
::= 1'b0
||= 1'b1
||= 1'bx
||= 1
||= 0
::= table
::= <combinational_entry>+
||= <sequential_entry>+
::= <level_input_list> : <OUTPUT_SYMBOL> ;
::= <input_list> : <state> : <next_state> ;
::= <level_input_list>
||= <edge_input_list>
||= -

UDP ports rules

- An UDP can contain only one output and up to 10 inputs.
- Output port should be the first port followed by one or more input ports.
- All UDP ports are scalar, i.e. Vector ports are not allowed.
- UDPs can not have bidirectional ports.
- The output terminal of a sequential UDP requires an additional declaration as type reg.
- It is illegal to declare a reg for the output terminal of a combinational UDP


Functionality of primitive (both combinational and sequential) is described inside a table, and it ends with reserved word 'endtable' as shown in the code below. For sequential UDP, we can use initial to assign an initial value to output. |

1 // This code shows how UDP body looks like
2 primitive udp_body (
3 a, // Port a
4 b, // Port b
5 c // Port c
6 );
7 output a;
8 input b,c;
10 // UDP function code here
11 // A = B | C;
12 table
13 // B C : A
14 ? 1 : 1;
15 1 ? : 1;
16 0 0 : 0;
17 endtable
19 endprimitive
You could download file udp_body.v here

Note: An UDP cannot use 'z' in the input table |

TestBench to check the above UDP |
1 `include "udp_body.v"
2 module udp_body_tb();
4 reg b,c;
5 wire a;
7 udp_body udp (a,b,c);
9 initial begin
10 $monitor(" B = %b C = %b A = %b",b,c,a);
11 b = 0;
12 c = 0;
13 #1 b = 1;
14 #1 b = 0;
15 #1 c = 1;
16 #1 b = 1'bx;
17 #1 c = 0;
18 #1 b = 1;
19 #1 c = 1'bx;
20 #1 b = 0;
21 #1 $finish;
22 end
24 endmodule
You could download file udp_body_tb.v here

Simulator Output |

B = 0 C = 0 A = 0
B = 1 C = 0 A = 1
B = 0 C = 0 A = 0
B = 0 C = 1 A = 1
B = x C = 1 A = 1
B = x C = 0 A = x
B = 1 C = 0 A = 1
B = 1 C = x A = 1
B = 0 C = x A = x

Table is used for describing the function of UDP. Verilog reserved word table marks the start of table and reserved word endtable marks the end of table. |

Each line inside a table is one condition; when an input changes, the input condition is matched and the output is evaluated to reflect the new change in input. |

Initial statement is used for initialization of sequential UDPs. This statement begins with the keyword 'initial'. The statement that follows must be an assignment statement that assigns a single bit literal value to the output terminal reg. |

1 primitive udp_initial (a,b,c);
2 output a;
3 input b,c;
4 reg a;
5 // a has value of 1 at start of sim
6 initial a = 1'b1;
8 table
9 // udp_initial behaviour
10 endtable
12 endprimitive
You could download file udp_initial.v here

UDP uses special symbols to describe functions like rising edge, don't care and so on. The table below shows the symbols that are used in UDPs: |

0 or 1 or X
? means the variable can be 0 or 1 or x
0 or 1
Same as ?, but x is not included
Falling edge on an input
Rising edge on an input
(01) or (0x) or (x1) or (1z) or (z1)
Rising edge including x and z
(10) or (1x) or (x0) or (0z) or (z0)
Falling edge including x and z
All transitions
no change
No Change



