

Memory Modeling
To help modeling of memory, Verilog provides support for two dimensions arrays. Behavioral models of memories are modeled by declaring an array of register variables; any word in the array may be accessed using an index into the array. A temporary variable is required to access a discrete bit within the array. |

reg [wordsize:0] array_name [0:arraysize] |


reg [7:0] my_memory [0:255]; |

Here [7:0] is the memory width and [0:255] is the memory depth with the following parameters: |
- Width : 8 bits, little endian
- Depth : 256, address 0 corresponds to location 0 in the array.

Storing Values
my_memory[address] = data_in; |


Reading Values
data_out = my_memory[address]; |

Bit Read
Sometimes there may be need to read just one bit. Unfortunately Verilog does not allow to read or write only one bit: the workaround for such a problem is as shown below. |

data_out = my_memory[address]; |

data_out_it_0 = data_out[0]; |

Initializing Memories
A memory array may be initialized by reading memory pattern file from disk and storing it on the memory array. To do this, we use system tasks $readmemb and $readmemh. $readmemb is used for binary representation of memory content and $readmemh for hex representation. |

$readmemh("file_name",mem_array,start_addr,stop_addr); |
Note : start_addr and stop_addr are optional. |

Example - Simple memory

1 module memory();
2 reg [7:0] my_memory [0:255];
4 initial begin
5 $readmemh("memory.list", my_memory);
6 end
7 endmodule
You could download file memory.v here

Example - Memory.list file

1 //Comments are allowed
2 1100_1100 // This is first address i.e 8'h00
3 1010_1010 // This is second address i.e 8'h01
4 @ 55 // Jump to new address 8'h55
5 0101_1010 // This is address 8'h55
6 0110_1001 // This is address 8'h56
You could download file memory.list here

$readmemh system task can also be used for reading testbench vectors. I will cover this in detail in the test bench section ... when I find time. |

Refer to the examples section for more details on different types of memories. |





Copyright © 1998-2025 |
Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com