

assert, assume and cover
As seen all the example earlier, a property in itself can not be used for checking a condition, it needs to used with verification statements like assert. |

Followin are verification statements that can use a property. |

- assert : This statement specifies if the propery holds correct.
- assume : This statement specifies property as assumption for the verification enviroment. This is more usefull with formal verification tools.
- cover : This statement monitors property for the sake of coverage. Coverage can be made to be reported at the end of simulation.

The assert, assume, or cover statements can be referenced by their optional name. If name is not given then compiler will give name for the sake of reporting as shown in example below. |

Above verification statements can be specified in following places. |

- initial or always blocks
- module
- interface
- program


Example : assert, assume and cover

1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 // DUT With assertions
3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 module assert_assume_cover_assertion();
5 logic clk = 0;
6 logic req,gnt;
7 logic ce,wr;
8 logic [7:0] addr, data;
9 //=================================================
10 // Property Specification Layer
11 //=================================================
12 property req_gnt_prop;
13 @ (posedge clk)
14 req |=> gnt;
15 endproperty
16 //=================================================
17 // Check if address falls in range for a write
18 // operation
19 //=================================================
20 property addr_hit_prop(int min, int max);
21 @ (posedge clk)
22 (ce & wr) |-> (addr >= min && addr <= max);
23 endproperty
24 //=================================================
25 // Simple DUT with assert
26 //=================================================
27 always @ (posedge clk)
28 begin
29 gnt <= req;
30 //==============================================
31 // Assert inside a always block
32 //==============================================
33 req_gnt_assert : assert property (req_gnt_prop);
34 end
35 //=================================================
36 // This is how you use "assume"
37 //=================================================
38 req_gnt_assume : assume property (req_gnt_prop);
39 //=================================================
40 // This is how you use "assert"
41 //=================================================
42 req_gnt_assert2 : assert property (req_gnt_prop);
43 //=================================================
44 // This is how you use "cover"
45 //=================================================
46 req_gnt_cover : cover property (req_gnt_prop);
47 addr_hit_cover : cover property (addr_hit_prop(1,5));
48 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
49 // Assertion testing code
50 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
51 always #1 clk ++;
53 initial begin
54 ce <= 0; wr <= 0; addr <= 0; req <= 0; gnt <= 0;
55 data <= 0;
56 // Make the assertion pass
57 @ (posedge clk) req <= 1;
58 @ (posedge gnt);
59 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) begin
60 @ (posedge clk);
61 ce <= 1;
62 wr <= 1;
63 addr <= i;
64 data <= $random;
65 @ (posedge clk);
66 ce <= 0;
67 wr <= 0;
68 addr <= 0;
69 end
70 @ (posedge clk);
71 req <= 0;
72 // Check
73 #10 $finish;
74 end
76 endmodule
You could download file assert_assume_cover_assertion.sv here

Simulation : assert, assume and cover

$finish called from file "assert_assume_cover_assertion.sv", line 73.
$finish at simulation time 55
"assert_assume_cover_assertion.sv", 46:
assert_assume_cover_assertion.req_gnt_cover, 27 attempts, 22 match
"assert_assume_cover_assertion.sv", 47:
assert_assume_cover_assertion.addr_hit_cover, 27 attempts, 5 match



