Multi Clock Support
There are times when we want to check signals or variables from two or more clock domains. As such SystemVerilog provides multi clock support in both sequence and property declaration. |
Multi Clock Sequence
Multiclocked sequences are built by concatenating singly clocked subsequences using the single-delay concatenation operator ##1. This operator is nonoverlapping and synchronizes between the clocks of the two sequences. The single delay indicated by ##1 is understood to be from the end point of the first sequence, which occurs at a tick of the first clock, to the nearest strictly subsequent tick of the second clock, where the second sequence begins. |
Below examples shows this is done. |
Example : Multi Clock Sequence
1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 // DUT With assertions
3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 module multi_clock_seq_assertion();
5 logic clk1 = 0;
6 logic clk2 = 0;
7 logic req;
8 logic gnt;
9 //=================================================
10 // Sequence Specification Layer
11 //=================================================
12 sequence multi_clock_seq;
13 @(posedge clk1) req ##1 @(posedge clk2) gnt;
14 endsequence
15 //=================================================
16 // Property Specification Layer
17 //=================================================
18 property multi_clock_prop;
19 @ (posedge clk1)
20 req |-> multi_clock_seq;
21 endproperty
22 //=================================================
23 // Assertion Directive Layer
24 //=================================================
25 multi_clock_assert : assert property (multi_clock_prop);
26 //=================================================
27 // Here gnt is driven with respect to CLK2
28 //=================================================
29 initial begin
30 #20 gnt <= 1;
31 #120 gnt <= 0;
32 end
33 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
34 // Assertion testing code
35 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
36 initial begin
37 // Make the assertion pass
38 req <= 0; gnt <= 0;
39 #100 @ (posedge clk1) req <= 1;
40 repeat (20) @ (posedge clk1);
41 req <= 0;
42 #10 $finish;
43 end
45 always #1 clk1 ++;
46 always #6.1 clk2 ++;
48 endmodule
You could download file multi_clock_seq_assertion.sv here
Simulation : Multi Clock Sequence
"multi_clock_seq_assertion.sv", 25:
multi_clock_seq_assertion.multi_clock_assert: started at 139s failed at 150s
Offending 'gnt'
"multi_clock_seq_assertion.sv", 25:
multi_clock_seq_assertion.multi_clock_assert: started at 141s failed at 150s
Offending 'gnt'
$finish called from file "multi_clock_seq_assertion.sv", line 42.
Multi Clock Property
A multi clock sequence in itself is a kind of multi clock property. Below example is slit variation of multi clock sequence example seen earlier. |
Example : Multi Clock Property
1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 // DUT With assertions
3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 module multi_clock_prop_assertion();
5 logic clk1 = 0;
6 logic clk2 = 0;
7 logic req;
8 logic gnt;
9 //=================================================
10 // Property Specification Layer
11 //=================================================
12 property multi_clock_prop;
13 @(posedge clk1) req |-> ##1 @(posedge clk2) gnt;
14 endproperty
15 //=================================================
16 // Assertion Directive Layer
17 //=================================================
18 multi_clock_assert : assert property (multi_clock_prop);
19 //=================================================
20 // Here gnt is driven with respect to CLK2
21 //=================================================
22 initial begin
23 #20 gnt <= 1;
24 #120 gnt <= 0;
25 end
26 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
27 // Assertion testing code
28 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
29 initial begin
30 // Make the assertion pass
31 req <= 0; gnt <= 0;
32 #100 @ (posedge clk1) req <= 1;
33 repeat (20) @ (posedge clk1);
34 req <= 0;
35 #10 $finish;
36 end
38 always #1 clk1 ++;
39 always #6.1 clk2 ++;
41 endmodule
You could download file multi_clock_prop_assertion.sv here
Simulation : Multi Clock Property
"multi_clock_prop_assertion.sv", 18:
multi_clock_prop_assertion.multi_clock_assert: started at 139s failed at 150s
Offending 'gnt'
"multi_clock_prop_assertion.sv", 18:
multi_clock_prop_assertion.multi_clock_assert: started at 141s failed at 150s
Offending 'gnt'
$finish called from file "multi_clock_prop_assertion.sv", line 35.
Copyright © 1998-2025 |
Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com