

When RTL is already written and it becomes responsibilty of a verification engineer to add assertion. And RTL designer does not want verification engineer to modify his RTL for the sake of adding assertion then, bind feature of SystemVerilog comes for rescue. |

One can write all the assertion he or she wants to write in a seprate file and using bind, he or she can bind the ports of his assertion file with the port/signals of the RTL in his testbench code. What a cool feature. |

A Bind feature can be used in following places. |

- module
- interface
- compilation unit scope

There are two forms of binding |

- Multi Instance : In this form, binding is done to multiple instance of a module.
- Single Instance : In this form, binding is done to single instance of a module.

Below example shows the usage of bind feature of SystemVerilog. |


Example : Binding

DUT File |

1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 // DUT With assertions
3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 module bind_assertion(
5 input wire clk,req,reset,
6 output reg gnt);
7 //=================================================
8 // Actual DUT RTL
9 //=================================================
10 always @ (posedge clk)
11 gnt <= req;
13 endmodule
You could download file bind_assertion.sv here

Assertion File |

1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 // Assertion Verification IP
3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 module assertion_ip(input wire clk_ip, req_ip,reset_ip,gnt_ip);
5 //=================================================
6 // Sequence Layer
7 //=================================================
8 sequence req_gnt_seq;
9 (~req_ip & gnt_ip) ##1 (~req_ip & ~gnt_ip);
10 endsequence
11 //=================================================
12 // Property Specification Layer
13 //=================================================
14 property req_gnt_prop;
15 @ (posedge clk_ip)
16 disable iff (reset_ip)
17 req_ip |=> req_gnt_seq;
18 endproperty
19 //=================================================
20 // Assertion Directive Layer
21 //=================================================
22 req_gnt_assert : assert property (req_gnt_prop)
23 else
24 $display("@%0dns Assertion Failed", $time);
26 endmodule
You could download file assertion_ip.sv here

Binding File |

1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 // Binding File
3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 module binding_module();
5 //=================================================
6 // Bind by Module name : This will bind all instance
7 // of DUT
8 //=================================================
9 // Here RTL : stands for design under test
10 // VIP : Assertion file
11 // RTL Module Name VIP module Name Instance Name
12 bind bind_assertion assertion_ip U_assert_ip (
13 // .vip port (RTL port)
14 .clk_ip (clk),
15 .req_ip (req),
16 .reset_ip (reset),
17 .gnt_ip (gnt)
18 );
19 //=================================================
20 // Bind by instance name : This will bind only instance
21 // names in list
22 //=================================================
23 // Here RTL : stands for design under test
24 // VIP : Assertion file
25 // RTL Module Name Instance Path VIP module Name Instance Name
26 //bind bind_assertion :$root.bind_assertion_tb.dut assertion_ip U_assert_ip (
27 // .vip port (RTL port)
28 // .clk_ip (clk),
29 // .req_ip (req),
30 // .reset_ip (reset),
31 // .gnt_ip (gnt)
32 //);
33 //=================================================
35 endmodule
You could download file binding_module.sv here

Testbench File |

1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 // Testbench Code
3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 `include "assertion_ip.sv"
5 `include "bind_assertion.sv"
6 `include "binding_module.sv"
8 module bind_assertion_tb();
10 reg clk = 0;
11 reg reset, req = 0;
12 wire gnt;
14 always #3 clk ++;
16 initial begin
17 reset <= 1;
18 #20 reset <= 0;
19 // Make the assertion pass
20 #100 @ (posedge clk) req <= 1;
21 @ (posedge clk) req <= 0;
22 // Make the assertion fail
23 #100 @ (posedge clk) req <= 1;
24 repeat (5) @ (posedge clk);
25 req <= 0;
26 #10 $finish;
27 end
29 bind_assertion dut (clk,req,reset,gnt);
31 endmodule
You could download file bind_assertion_tb.sv here

Simulation : Binding

"assertion_ip.sv", 22: bind_assertion_tb.dut.U_assert_ip.req_gnt_assert:
started at 237s failed at 243s
Offending '((~req_ip) & gnt_ip)'
@243ns Assertion Failed
"assertion_ip.sv", 22: bind_assertion_tb.dut.U_assert_ip.req_gnt_assert:
started at 243s failed at 249s
Offending '((~req_ip) & gnt_ip)'
@249ns Assertion Failed
"assertion_ip.sv", 22: bind_assertion_tb.dut.U_assert_ip.req_gnt_assert:
started at 249s failed at 255s
Offending '((~req_ip) & gnt_ip)'
@255ns Assertion Failed
"assertion_ip.sv", 22: bind_assertion_tb.dut.U_assert_ip.req_gnt_assert:
started at 255s failed at 261s
Offending '((~req_ip) & gnt_ip)'
@261ns Assertion Failed
$finish called from file "bind_assertion_tb.sv", line 26.





Copyright © 1998-2025 |
Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com