

'e' What To Learn ?
E language is a vast language, so learning everything in short time is not possible. But to get started or to get to a position where one can write testbench and checker, one really needs to learn limited part of 'e' language. Lets assume that you need to develop a testbench as in below figure.


In e, we need to code the following components.

- Base Object
- Transaction Generator
- Driver
- Input/Output Monitors
- Checker/Scoreboard

Base Object
As seen in earlier section, base object is used across the testbench for communication of data in a standard structure format. Following things are needs to be write a base object in e

- data types
- struct
- sub-types
- constrains
- keep
- gen before
- soft and hard constrains
- condition flow control
- methods
- printing routines


Transaction Generator
Transaction generator is the the one which generates the transactions. To do this job one needs to know the following

- gen and gen keeping
- don't gen and physical fields
- events
- methods and tcm

To model driver, one needs to know the following

- unit
- packing
- methods and tcm
- Interfacing with simulator

Input/Output Monitors
Once one knows about base object, transaction generator and drive, then coding monitors are very simple.


To model the checker or scoreboard one needs to know following e languages construct






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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
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