

Defining Cross Coverage Items

Cross items are combinations of items from the same coverage group. The cross coverage construct is used to define cross items. |

Syntax |

cross item-name-1, item-name-2, ... [using coverage-item-option, ...]

Where |

item-name-1, item-name-2, ...
Each item name must be one of the following.
The name of an item defined previously in the current coverage group
The name of a transition item defined previously in the current coverage group
The name of a cross item defined previously in the current coverage group
coverage-item- option
An option for the cross item.


Options |

The minimum number of samples for each bucket of the item. Anything less than num is considered a hole.
Define values that are to be completely ignored. They do not appear in the statistics at all. The expression is a Boolean expression that can contain a coverage item name and constants.
Define values that are illegal. An illegal value causes a DUT error. If the check_illegal_immediately coverage configuration option is FALSE, the DUT error occurs during the check_test phase of the test. If that configuration option is TRUE, the DUT error occurs immediately (on the fly). Note that checking illegal values immediately has a significant negative impact on Specman performance.
Specifies a name for a cross coverage item. No white spaces are allowed in the label. The default is cross__item-a__item-b
When no_collect[=TRUE], this coverage item is not displayed in coverage reports and is not saved in the coverage files.
A text description for this coverage item. This can only be a quoted string, not a variable or expression. In the ASCII coverage report the text is shown along with the item name at the top of the coverage information for the item. In the Show Coverage GUI, the text is shown for each item.
Specifies the weight of the current item relative to other items in the same coverage group. It is a non-negative integer with a default of 1.
The item is sampled only when bool-exp is TRUE. The bool-exp is evaluated in the context of the parent struct.



1 <'
2 type cpu_opcode: [ADD, SUB, OR, AND, JMP, LABEL];
3 type cpu_reg: [reg0, reg1, reg2, reg3];
5 struct inst {
6 opcode: cpu_opcode;
7 op1: cpu_reg;
8 op2: byte;
9 event info;
10 event data_change;
11 event inst_driven;
12 cover data_change using no_collect is {
13 item data: uint(bits:16) = op2;
14 };
15 cover info is {
16 item opcode using per_instance, ignore = (opcode == ADD);
17 };
18 cover inst_driven is {
19 item opcode;
20 item op1 using at_least=2;
21 cross opcode, op1;
22 };
24 post_generate() is also {
25 emit info;
26 emit data_change;
27 emit inst_driven;
28 };
29 };
31 extend sys {
32 inst : inst;
33 run() is also {
34 for {var i: uint = 0; i < 10 ; i = i + 1} do {
35 gen inst;
36 print inst;
37 };
38 };
39 };
40 '>
You could download file coverage4.e here

Simulation Output

inst = inst-@0: inst of unit: sys
---------------------------------------------- @coverage4
0 opcode: ADD
1 op1: reg3
2 op2: 59
inst = inst-@1: inst of unit: sys
---------------------------------------------- @coverage4
0 opcode: OR
1 op1: reg3
2 op2: 90
inst = inst-@2: inst of unit: sys
---------------------------------------------- @coverage4
0 opcode: SUB
1 op1: reg3
2 op2: 188
inst = inst-@3: inst of unit: sys
---------------------------------------------- @coverage4
0 opcode: JMP
1 op1: reg3
2 op2: 97
inst = inst-@4: inst of unit: sys
---------------------------------------------- @coverage4
0 opcode: OR
1 op1: reg1
2 op2: 105
inst = inst-@5: inst of unit: sys
---------------------------------------------- @coverage4
0 opcode: LABEL
1 op1: reg2
2 op2: 4
inst = inst-@6: inst of unit: sys
---------------------------------------------- @coverage4
0 opcode: SUB
1 op1: reg1
2 op2: 14
inst = inst-@7: inst of unit: sys
---------------------------------------------- @coverage4
0 opcode: LABEL
1 op1: reg3
2 op2: 204
inst = inst-@8: inst of unit: sys
---------------------------------------------- @coverage4
0 opcode: JMP
1 op1: reg2
2 op2: 170
inst = inst-@9: inst of unit: sys
---------------------------------------------- @coverage4
0 opcode: LABEL
1 op1: reg0
2 op2: 250
Wrote 1 cover_struct to coverage4_1.ecov


Cover group: inst.info
Grade: 0.80 Weight: 1
** opcode **
Samples: 10 Tests: 1 Grade: 0.80 Weight: 1
grade goal samples tests %t opcode
1.00 1 2 1 20 SUB
1.00 1 3 1 30 OR
0.00 1 0 0 0 AND
1.00 1 2 1 20 JMP
1.00 1 3 1 30 LABEL
Cover group: inst.inst_driven
Grade: 0.71 Weight: 1
** opcode **
Samples: 11 Tests: 1 Grade: 0.83 Weight: 1
grade goal samples tests %t opcode
1.00 1 1 1 9 ADD
1.00 1 2 1 18 SUB
1.00 1 3 1 27 OR
0.00 1 0 0 0 AND
1.00 1 2 1 18 JMP
1.00 1 3 1 27 LABEL
** op1 **
Samples: 11 Tests: 1 Grade: 0.88 Weight: 1
grade goal samples tests %t op1
0.50 2 1 1 9 reg0
1.00 2 2 1 18 reg1
1.00 2 2 1 18 reg2
1.00 2 6 1 55 reg3
** cross__opcode__op1 **
Samples: 11 Tests: 1 Grade: 0.42 Weight: 1
grade goal samples tests %p/%t opcode/op1
0.25 - 1 1 9/9 ADD
0.00 1 0 0 0/0 ADD/reg0
0.00 1 0 0 0/0 ADD/reg1
0.00 1 0 0 0/0 ADD/reg2
1.00 1 1 1 100/9 ADD/reg3
0.50 - 2 1 18/18 SUB
0.00 1 0 0 0/0 SUB/reg0
1.00 1 1 1 50/9 SUB/reg1
0.00 1 0 0 0/0 SUB/reg2
1.00 1 1 1 50/9 SUB/reg3
0.50 - 3 1 27/27 OR
0.00 1 0 0 0/0 OR/reg0
1.00 1 1 1 33/9 OR/reg1
0.00 1 0 0 0/0 OR/reg2
1.00 1 2 1 67/18 OR/reg3
0.00 - 0 0 0/0 AND
0.50 - 2 1 18/18 JMP
0.00 1 0 0 0/0 JMP/reg0
0.00 1 0 0 0/0 JMP/reg1
1.00 1 1 1 50/9 JMP/reg2
1.00 1 1 1 50/9 JMP/reg3
0.75 - 3 1 27/27 LABEL
1.00 1 1 1 33/9 LABEL/reg0
0.00 1 0 0 0/0 LABEL/reg1
1.00 1 1 1 33/9 LABEL/reg2
1.00 1 1 1 33/9 LABEL/reg3





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com