

T Flip-Flop


Asynchronous reset T - FF

1 //-----------------------------------------------------
2 // Design Name : tff_async_reset
3 // File Name : tff_async_reset.v
4 // Function : T flip-flop async reset
5 // Coder : Deepak Kumar Tala
6 //-----------------------------------------------------
7 module tff_async_reset (
8 data , // Data Input
9 clk , // Clock Input
10 reset , // Reset input
11 q // Q output
12 );
13 //-----------Input Ports---------------
14 input data, clk, reset ;
15 //-----------Output Ports---------------
16 output q;
17 //------------Internal Variables--------
18 reg q;
19 //-------------Code Starts Here---------
20 always @ ( posedge clk or negedge reset)
21 if (~reset) begin
22 q <= 1'b0;
23 end else if (data) begin
24 q <= ! q;
25 end
27 endmodule //End Of Module tff_async_reset
You could download file tff_async_reset.v here

Synchronous reset T - FF

1 //-----------------------------------------------------
2 // Design Name : tff_sync_reset
3 // File Name : tff_sync_reset.v
4 // Function : T flip-flop sync reset
5 // Coder : Deepak Kumar Tala
6 //-----------------------------------------------------
7 module tff_sync_reset (
8 data , // Data Input
9 clk , // Clock Input
10 reset , // Reset input
11 q // Q output
12 );
13 //-----------Input Ports---------------
14 input data, clk, reset ;
15 //-----------Output Ports---------------
16 output q;
17 //------------Internal Variables--------
18 reg q;
19 //-------------Code Starts Here---------
20 always @ ( posedge clk)
21 if (~reset) begin
22 q <= 1'b0;
23 end else if (data) begin
24 q <= ! q;
25 end
27 endmodule //End Of Module tff_async_reset
You could download file tff_sync_reset.v here





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
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