

Referencing Signals
Signals can be referenced directly through following two ways. There is no other method other then this. |

- the port variable
- the interface

Syntax |


Where |

- port_variable : Is the name of the port variable that has established connections.
- interface : Is the name of a Vera interface.


Example : referencing signal

1 #include "vera_defines.vrh"
3 // Port Declaration
4 port mem_p {
5 clock;
6 addr;
7 wr;
8 rd;
9 rdata;
10 wdata;
11 }
13 // This is what connects with HDL
14 interface mem_if {
15 input clock CLOCK;
16 output [7:0] addr PHOLD #1;
17 input [7:0] rdata PSAMPLE #-1;
18 output [7:0] wdata PHOLD #1;
19 output wr PHOLD #1;
20 output rd PHOLD #1;
21 }
23 // Now bind interface with Port
24 bind mem_p mem_bind {
25 clock mem_if.clock;
26 addr mem_if.addr;
27 wr mem_if.wr;
28 rd mem_if.rd;
29 rdata mem_if.rdata;
30 wdata mem_if.wdata;
31 }
32 // Top level program
33 program sig_ref {
34 mem_p mem = mem_bind;
35 bit [7:0] data = 0;
36 integer i;
37 mem.$wr = 0; // port.$signal
38 mem_if.rd = 0; // interface.signal
39 // Access with port.$<sig name>
40 for (i=0; i < 10; i++) {
41 @ (posedge mem.$clock);
42 mem.$addr = i;
43 data = random();
44 mem.$wdata = data;
45 mem.$wr = 1;
46 printf("Writing address %0x, with data %0x\n",i,data);
47 @ (posedge mem.$clock);
48 mem.$wr = 0;
49 }
50 // Access with interface.<sig name>
51 for (i=0; i < 10; i++) {
52 @ (posedge mem_if.clock);
53 mem_if.addr = i;
54 mem_if.rd = 1;
55 printf("Reading address %0x",i);
56 @ (posedge mem_if.clock);
57 printf(", data %0x\n",mem_if.rdata);
58 mem_if.rd = 0;
60 }
61 }
You could download file sig_ref.vr here

Verilog |
1 module sig_ref_verilog ();
2 // Internal variables
3 reg clk;
4 reg [7:0] mem [0:255];
5 wire [7:0] rdata;
7 wire [7:0] addr;
8 wire [7:0] wdata;
9 wire wr,rd;
11 assign rdata = (rd) ? mem[addr] : 8'b0;
13 always @ (addr or wr or wdata)
14 if (wr) mem[addr] = wdata;
16 // Connect the program here
17 sig_ref vshell(
18 .SystemClock (clk),
19 .\mem_if.clock (clk),
20 .\mem_if.addr (addr),
21 .\mem_if.rdata (rdata),
22 .\mem_if.wdata (wdata),
23 .\mem_if.wr (wr),
24 .\mem_if.rd (rd)
25 );
26 // Init all the variables
27 initial begin
28 clk = 0;
29 end
30 // Clock generator
31 always #1 clk = ~clk;
33 endmodule
You could download file sig_ref.v here

Simulation Output : referencing signal

Writing address 0, with data ac
Writing address 1, with data 1d
Writing address 2, with data bf
Writing address 3, with data c9
Writing address 4, with data 5d
Writing address 5, with data 6a
Writing address 6, with data 46
Writing address 7, with data 43
Writing address 8, with data 5f
Writing address 9, with data 15
Reading address 0, data ac
Reading address 1, data 1d
Reading address 2, data bf
Reading address 3, data c9
Reading address 4, data 5d
Reading address 5, data 6a
Reading address 6, data 46
Reading address 7, data 43
Reading address 8, data 5f
Reading address 9, data 15





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com