

Interface Signal Connection
Connecting the interface signals from Vera to HDL can be done in three ways. |

- Vera Shell
- Direct HDL node connection
- signal_connect()

First two methods are static connections and signal_connect() method is dynamic connection. First two offer far better simulation performance compared to signal_connect(). |

Vera Shell
Vera shell file generated after compilation of file containing Vera Program. This shell file is verilog file for verilog simulations, and this file contains the port declarations that map to the interface declaration in Vera testbench. This vera shell contains the additional input SystemClock. Simulator specific PLI calls are included in this shell. Example in interface section shows how to connect a Vera shell to Verilog. Below is code section where shell is connected to Verilog. |


Example : Vera Shell

1 // This is how a vera shell is connected
2 interface_ex vshell(
3 .SystemClock (clk),
4 .\sample_if.clock (clk),
5 .\sample_if.reset (rst),
6 .\sample_if.enable (counter_en),
7 .\sample_if.cout (counter),
8 .\sample_if.data (data),
9 .\sample_if.ddr_data_in (ddr_data_in)
10 );
You could download file vera_shell.v here

HDL Node
A Vera interface signal can be connected to any user-specified HDL signal in a design using the hdl_node option. Such connections are a convenient way to monitor and drive internal DUT signals. When the hdl_node option is used, the interface signal is omitted from the shell´s port list. When the option is not used, a port will be added to the shell module for the signal. |

Example : HDL Node

1 #include "vera_defines.vrh"
3 interface hdl_node_if {
4 // Other signals are sampled with respect to this
5 input clock CLOCK hdl_node "hdl_node_verilog.clk";
6 output reset PHOLD#1 hdl_node "hdl_node_verilog.rst";
7 output enable PHOLD#1 hdl_node "hdl_node_verilog.counter_en";
8 input [7:0] cout PSAMPLE#-1 hdl_node "hdl_node_verilog.counter";
9 }
11 program hdl_node_ex {
12 // Start the actual test here
13 @ (posedge hdl_node_if.clock);
14 printf("Asserting Reset\n");
15 hdl_node_if.reset = 1;
16 hdl_node_if.enable = 0;
17 @ (posedge hdl_node_if.clock);
18 printf("Deasserting Reset\n");
19 hdl_node_if.reset = 0;
20 @ (posedge hdl_node_if.clock);
21 printf("Asserting Enable\n");
22 hdl_node_if.enable = 1;
23 repeat(10) {
24 @ (posedge hdl_node_if.clock);
25 printf("Counter value %x\n",hdl_node_if.cout);
26 }
27 @ (posedge hdl_node_if.clock);
28 printf("Deasserting Enable\n");
29 hdl_node_if.enable = 0;
30 }
You could download file hdl_node_ex.vr here

Verilog |

1 module hdl_node_verilog ();
2 // Internal variables
3 reg [3:0] counter;
4 reg clk;
5 wire rst;
6 wire counter_en;
9 // Connect the program here
10 hdl_node_ex vshell(
11 .SystemClock (clk)
12 );
13 // Init all the variables
14 initial begin
15 clk = 0;
16 end
17 // Clock generator
18 always #1 clk = ~clk;
19 // Counter code
20 always @ (posedge clk)
21 if (rst) counter <= 0;
22 else if (counter_en) counter <= counter + 1;
24 endmodule
You could download file hdl_node_if.v here

Simulation : HDL Node

Asserting Reset
Deasserting Reset
Asserting Enable
Counter value 00
Counter value 01
Counter value 02
Counter value 03
Counter value 04
Counter value 05
Counter value 06
Counter value 07
Counter value 08
Counter value 09
Deasserting Enable





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
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