

Use the m_trans transition declaration to declare multiple transition bins up to a maximum of 4096 bins. |

The syntax is: |

m_trans trans_bin_name (exp1:exp2 -> exp3:exp4); |

- trans_bin_name : is the base name of the transition bins being created.
- exp : can be any valid coverage expression. You cannot call functions in the expressions, but they can include variables that are visible in the scope of the coverage group.

When you use an m_trans declaration, Vera creates multiple transition bins that cover all transitions in the specified ranges. Each set of expressions specifies a range |



1 class coverage_m_tran {
2 bit [3:0] value;
3 event now;
5 coverage_group something {
6 sample_event = sync(ALL,now);
7 sample value {
8 m_trans(2:5->6:14);
9 }
10 }
12 task update_coverage (bit [3:0] value) {
13 this.value = value;
14 trigger(now);
15 }
16 }
20 program test {
21 coverage_m_tran cov = new();
22 bit [3:0] v;
23 repeat (10) {
24 v = urandom__range(14,0);
25 printf("Value is %d\n",v);
26 cov.update_coverage(v);
27 delay(1);
28 }
29 }
You could download file coverage_m_tran.vr here

Simulation log

Value is 13
Value is 14
Value is 4
Value is 4
Value is 2
Value is 8
Value is 6
Value is 7
Value is 6
Value is 2

Coverage Report

Group : test::coverage_m_tran::something
Group : test::coverage_m_tran::something
Score Weight Goal
2.78 1 100
Samples for Group : test::coverage_m_tran::something
Variable Expected Covered Percent Goal Weight
Total 36 1 2.78
value 36 1 2.78 100 1
Summary for variable value
Expected Covered Percent
User Defined Bins 36 1 2.78
User Defined Bins for value
Uncovered bins
name count at least
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:2->6 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:3->6 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:4->6 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:5->6 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:2->7 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:3->7 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:4->7 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:5->7 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:3->8 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:4->8 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:5->8 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:2->9 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:3->9 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:4->9 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:5->9 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:2->10 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:3->10 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:4->10 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:5->10 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:2->11 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:3->11 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:4->11 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:5->11 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:2->12 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:3->12 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:4->12 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:5->12 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:2->13 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:3->13 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:4->13 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:5->13 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:2->14 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:3->14 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:4->14 0 1
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:5->14 0 1
Covered bins
name count at least
t_s_2_5_s_6_14:2->8 1 1





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com