

A process will wait forever in semaphore, region and mailbox if the waiting resources are not available. However, the system task timeout() can be used to set a time limit. |

task timeout(EVENT, integer cycle_limit);
task timeout(event event_name, integer cycle_limit]);
integer cycle_limit [, integer object_id]);

Where |

- Predefined Macros: EVENT, SEMAPHORE, REGION, MAILBOX, WAIT_VAR and WAIT_CHILD specify the type of object for which the timeout is defined.
- cycle_limit : Specifies the maximum number of cycles any request will wait.
- event_name : Is an event variable.
- object_id : Specifies an individual resource for which the timeout is set. If it is not specified, the timeout exists for all objects of the type specified.


Example : timeout

1 #include "vera_defines.vrh"
3 program timeout_t {
4 integer checker_data;
5 checker_data = alloc(MAILBOX,0,1);
6 timeout(MAILBOX,20,checker_data);
8 fork
9 { input_monitor();}
10 { checker();}
11 join any
13 delay(1000);
15 }
17 task input_monitor() {
18 integer i = 0;
19 // This can be any valid data type
20 bit [7:0] data = 0;
21 for(i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
22 if (i == 0) delay(3000);
23 else delay(3);
24 data = random();
25 printf("[%0d] Putting data : %x into mailbox\n", get_time(LO),data);
26 mailbox_put(checker_data,data);
27 }
28 }
30 task checker() {
31 integer i = 0;
32 // This can be any valid data type
33 bit [7:0] data = 0;
34 while (1) {
35 delay(10);
36 mailbox_get(WAIT,checker_data, data);
37 printf("[%0d] Got data : %x from mailbox\n", get_time(LO),data);
38 }
39 }
You could download file timeout_t.vr here

Simulation : timeout

VERIFICATION ERROR: mailbox timeout Location:
FORK in program timeout_t (timeout_t.vr, line 11, cycle 0);
CALL in program timeout_t (timeout_t.vr, line 10, cycle 0);
WAIT_ON_MBOX in task checker (timeout_t.vr, line 36, cycle 20)
[1950] Got data : 00 from mailbox
[3000] Putting data : 36 into mailbox
[3000] Got data : 36 from mailbox
[3003] Putting data : 3c into mailbox
[3006] Putting data : 7d into mailbox
[3009] Putting data : e2 into mailbox
[3010] Got data : 3c from mailbox
[3020] Got data : 7d from mailbox
[3030] Got data : e2 from mailbox





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