

A mailbox is a mechanism to exchange messages between processes. Data can be sent to a mailbox by one process and retrieved by another. Mailbox can be used a FIFO if required. |

VERA provides following methods for working with mailbox. |

- Mailbox allocation
- Put data
- Get data

Mailbox Allocation |

function integer alloc(MAILBOX, integer mailbox_id, integer

Where |

- mailbox_id : Is the ID number of the particular mailbox being created. It must be an integer value. You should generally use 0. When you use 0, Vera automatically generates a mailbox ID.
- mailbox_count : Specifies how many mailboxes you want to create. It must be an integer value.

Put Data into Mailbox |

task mailbox_put(integer mailbox_id, any_scalar_type data)
task mailbox_put(integer mailbox_id, object_type data)

Where |

- mailbox_id : Specifies which mailbox receives the data.
- data : Can be any general expression that evaluates to any scalar or object type.

Get Data from Mailbox |

function integer mailbox_get(NO_WAIT | WAIT | COPY_NO_WAIT |
COPY_WAIT, integer mailbox_id [, any_scalar_type dest_var [,
function integer mailbox_get(NO_WAIT | WAIT |COPY_NO_WAIT |
COPY_WAIT, integer mailbox_id [, object_type dest_var

Where |

- NO_WAIT : Dequeues mailbox data if it is available. Otherwise, it returns an empty status (0).
- WAIT : Suspends the calling thread until data is available in the mailbox, and then dequeues the data.
- COPY_NO_WAIT : Copies mailbox data without dequeuing it if it is available. Otherwise, it returns an empty status (0).
- COPY_WAIT : Suspends the calling thread until data is available in the mailbox, and then copies the data without dequeuing it.
- mailbox_id : specifies which mailbox data is being retrieved from.
- dest_var : Is the destination variable of the mailbox data.
- CHECK: CHECK specifies whether type checking occurs between the mailbox data and the destination variable. CHECK is optional.


Example : mailbox

1 program mailbox {
2 integer checker_data;
3 checker_data = alloc(MAILBOX,0,1);
5 fork
6 { input_monitor();}
7 { checker();}
8 join any
10 delay(1000);
12 }
14 task input_monitor() {
15 integer i = 0;
16 // This can be any valid data type
17 bit [7:0] data = 0;
18 for(i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
19 delay(3);
20 data = random();
21 printf("[%0d] Putting data : %x into mailbox\n", get_time(LO),data);
22 mailbox_put(checker_data,data);
23 }
24 }
26 task checker() {
27 integer i = 0;
28 // This can be any valid data type
29 bit [7:0] data = 0;
30 while (1) {
31 delay(1);
32 if (mailbox_get(NO_WAIT,checker_data, data) > 0) {
33 printf("[%0d] Got data : %x from mailbox\n", get_time(LO),data);
34 } else {
35 delay(7);
36 }
37 }
38 }
You could download file mailbox.vr here

Simulation : mailbox

[3] Putting data : 36 into mailbox
[6] Putting data : 3c into mailbox
[9] Putting data : 7d into mailbox
[9] Got data : 36 from mailbox
[10] Got data : 3c from mailbox
[11] Got data : 7d from mailbox
[12] Putting data : e2 into mailbox
[12] Got data : e2 from mailbox





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com