In an always block which is used to model combinational logic, forgetting an else leads to an unintended latch. To avoid this mistake, SystemVerilog adds specialized always_comb and always_latch blocks, which indicate design intent to simulation, synthesis and formal verification tools. SystemVerilog also adds an always_ff block to indicate sequential logic. |
SystemVerilog has both static processes, introduced by always, initial or fork, and dynamic processes, introduced by built-in fork...join_any and fork...join_none. |
New features added SystemVerilog is as below |
- always_combo
- always_latch
- always_ff
- join_any
- join_none
For continous assignements SystemVerilog allows to drive other then net type to be driven or assigned using assign statement (Continuous assignments), Like reg or integer. |
SystemVerilog provides a special always_comb procedure for modeling combinational logic behavior. |
- There is an inferred sensitivity list that includes the expressions defined.
- The variables written on the left-hand side of assignments shall not be written to by any other process.
- The procedure is automatically triggered once at time zero, after all initial and always blocks have been started so that the outputs of the procedure are consistent with the inputs.
Example - always_combo
1 module always_comb_process();
3 reg [7:0] sum,a,b;
4 reg parity;
6 initial begin
7 $monitor ("@%g a = %h b = %h sum = %h parity = %b",
8 $time, a, b, sum, parity);
9 #1 a = 1;
10 #1 b = 1;
11 #5 a = 10;
12 #1 $finish;
13 end
15 always_comb
16 begin : ADDER
17 sum = b + a;
18 parity = ^sum;
19 end
21 endmodule
You could download file always_comb_process.sv here
Simulator Output |
@0 a = xx b = xx sum = xx parity = x
@1 a = 01 b = xx sum = xx parity = x
@2 a = 01 b = 01 sum = 02 parity = 1
@7 a = 0a b = 01 sum = 0b parity = 1
SystemVerilog also provides a special always_latch procedure for modeling latched logic behavior. |
- The always_latch procedure determines its sensitivity and executes identically to the always_comb procedure.
Example - always_latch
1 module always_latch_process();
3 reg [7:0] sum,a,b;
4 reg parity;
5 reg enable = 0;
7 initial begin
8 $monitor ("@%g a = %h b = %h sum = %h parity = %b",
9 $time, a, b, sum, parity);
10 #2 a = 1;
11 #2 b = 1;
12 #2 a = 10;
13 #2 $finish;
14 end
16 always #1 enable = ~enable;
18 always_latch
19 begin : ADDER
20 if (enable) begin
21 sum <= b + a;
22 parity <= ^(b + a);
23 end
24 end
26 endmodule
You could download file always_latch_process.sv here
Simulator Output |
@0 a = xx b = xx sum = xx parity = x
@2 a = 01 b = xx sum = xx parity = x
@4 a = 01 b = 01 sum = xx parity = x
@5 a = 01 b = 01 sum = 02 parity = 1
@6 a = 0a b = 01 sum = 02 parity = 1
@7 a = 0a b = 01 sum = 0b parity = 1
The SystemVerilog always_ff procedure can be used to model synthesizable sequential logic behavior. |
- The SystemVerilog always_ff procedure can be used to model synthesizable sequential logic behavior.
- Variables on the left-hand side of assignments within an always_ff procedure, including variables from the contents of a called function, shall not be written to by any other process.
Example - always_ff
1 module always_ff_process();
3 reg [7:0] sum,a,b;
4 reg parity;
5 logic clk = 0;
6 reg rst = 0;
8 initial begin
9 $monitor ("@%g clk = %b rst = %b a = %h b = %h sum = %h parity = %b",
10 $time, clk, rst, a, b, sum, parity);
11 #1 rst = 1;
12 #5 rst = 0;
13 #2 a = 1;
14 #2 b = 1;
15 #2 a = 10;
16 #2 $finish;
17 end
19 always #1 clk ++;
21 // use of iff makes sure that block does not get
22 // triggered due to posedge of clk when rst == 1
23 always_ff @(posedge clk iff rst == 0 or posedge rst)
24 begin : ADDER
25 if (rst) begin
26 sum <= 0;
27 parity <= 0;
28 $display ("Reset is asserted BLOCK 1");
29 end else begin
30 sum <= b + a;
31 parity <= ^(b + a);
32 end
33 end
35 // To show how iff affected in earlier code
36 always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
37 begin
38 if (rst) begin
39 $display ("Reset is asserted BLOCK 2");
40 end
41 end
43 endmodule
You could download file always_ff_process.sv here
Simulator Output |
@0 clk = 0 rst = 0 a = xx b = xx sum = xx parity = x
Reset is asserted BLOCK 1
Reset is asserted BLOCK 2
@1 clk = 1 rst = 1 a = xx b = xx sum = 00 parity = 0
@2 clk = 0 rst = 1 a = xx b = xx sum = 00 parity = 0
Reset is asserted BLOCK 2
@3 clk = 1 rst = 1 a = xx b = xx sum = 00 parity = 0
@4 clk = 0 rst = 1 a = xx b = xx sum = 00 parity = 0
Reset is asserted BLOCK 2
@5 clk = 1 rst = 1 a = xx b = xx sum = 00 parity = 0
@6 clk = 0 rst = 0 a = xx b = xx sum = 00 parity = 0
@7 clk = 1 rst = 0 a = xx b = xx sum = xx parity = x
@8 clk = 0 rst = 0 a = 01 b = xx sum = xx parity = x
@9 clk = 1 rst = 0 a = 01 b = xx sum = xx parity = x
@10 clk = 0 rst = 0 a = 01 b = 01 sum = xx parity = x
@11 clk = 1 rst = 0 a = 01 b = 01 sum = 02 parity = 1
@12 clk = 0 rst = 0 a = 0a b = 01 sum = 02 parity = 1
@13 clk = 1 rst = 0 a = 0a b = 01 sum = 0b parity = 1
Continuous assignments
In verilog only net data types can be driven by continous assignment, In systemVerilog this restriction is removed and any data type can be driven using continuous assignment. |
- Nets can be driven by multiple continuous assignments or by a mixture of primitives and continuous assignments.
- Variables can only be driven by one continuous assignment or one primitive output.