

Procedural statements in verilog are coded by following statements |

- initial : enable this statement at the beginning of simulation and execute it only once
- final : do this statement once at the end of simulation, new in SystemVerilog
- always : always_comb, always_latch, always_ff, new in SystemVerilog
- task : do these statements whenever the task is called
- function : do these statements whenever the function is called and return a value

SystemVerilog has the following types of control flow within a process |

- Selection, loops and jumps : SystemVerilog adds c-Like do...while, break, continue
- Task and function calls : SystemVerilog adds return
- Sequential and parallel blocks
- Timing control

Selection statements
In Verilog, an if (expression) is evaluated as a boolean, so that if the result of the expression is 0 or X, the test is considered false. SystemVerilog adds the keywords unique and priority, which can be used before an if. If either keyword is used, it shall be a run-time error for no condition to match unless there is an explicit else |

- unique : A unique if indicates that there should not be any overlap in a series of if...else...if conditions.
- priority: A priority if indicates that a series of if...else...if conditions shall be evaluated in the order listed.


case selection statement |

The unique and priority keywords apply to the entire series of if...else...if conditions. |

In Verilog there are three types of case statements |


In Systemverilog, each of above can be qualified with unique or priority, with following effect. |

- unique : A unique case asserts that there are no overlapping case items and hence that it is safe for the case items to be evaluated in parallel.
- priority case: A priority case acts only on first match.

case inside selection statement |

The keyword inside can be used after the parenthesized expression to indicate a set membership case...inside statement. In a case...inside statement, the case expression shall be compared with each case item expression (open_range_list) using the set membership inside operator. |

Example - unique and priority

1 module unique_priority ();
3 byte a = 0;
5 // unique
6 always @ (*)
7 begin
8 unique if ((a==0) || (a==1)) begin
9 $display("Unique if : 0 or 1");
10 end else if (a == 2) begin
11 $display("Unique if : 2");
12 end else if (a == 4) begin
13 $display("Unique if : 4");
14 end
15 end
16 // priority
17 always @ (*)
18 begin
19 priority if (a[2:1]==0) begin
20 $display("Priority if : 0 or 1");
21 end else if (a[2] == 0) begin
22 $display("Priority if : 2 or 3");
23 end else begin
24 $display("Priority if : 4 to 7");
25 end
26 end
27 // unique case
28 always @ (*)
29 begin
30 unique case(a)
31 0,1: $display("Unique Case 0 or 1");
32 2 : $display("Unique Case 2");
33 4 : $display("Unique Case 4");
34 endcase
35 end
36 // priority case
37 always @ (*)
38 begin
39 priority casez(a)
40 3'b00?: $display("Priority Casez 0 or 1");
41 3'b0??: $display("Priority Casez 2 or 3");
42 endcase
43 end
44 // unique case inside
45 always @ (*)
46 begin
47 unique case(a) inside
48 [0 : 3]: $display("Unique Case inside 0 to 3");
49 2 : $display("Unique Case inside 2");
50 4 : $display("Unique Case inside 4");
51 endcase
52 end
54 initial begin
55 repeat (7) begin
56 #1 a ++;
57 end
58 #1 $finish;
59 end
61 endmodule
You could download file unique_priority.sv here

Simulator Output |

Unique if : 0 or 1
Unique Case 0 or 1
Priority Casez 0 or 1
Unique Case inside 0 to 3
Unique if : 2
Unique Case 2
Priority Casez 2 or 3
Warning: More than one conditions match in 'unique case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 47,.
Line 48 & 49 are overlapping at time 2.
Unique Case inside 0 to 3
Priority if : 2 or 3
Warning: No condition matches in 'unique if' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 8, at time 3.
Warning: No condition matches in 'unique case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 30, at time 3.
Priority Casez 2 or 3
Unique Case inside 0 to 3
Unique if : 4
Unique Case 4
Warning: No condition matches in 'priority case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 39, at time 4.
Unique Case inside 4
Priority if : 4 to 7
Warning: No condition matches in 'unique if' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 8, at time 5.
Warning: No condition matches in 'unique case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 30, at time 5.
Warning: No condition matches in 'priority case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 39, at time 5.
Warning: No condition matches in 'unique case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 47, at time 5.
Warning: No condition matches in 'unique if' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 8, at time 6.
Warning: No condition matches in 'unique case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 30, at time 6.
Warning: No condition matches in 'priority case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 39, at time 6.
Warning: No condition matches in 'unique case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 47, at time 6.
Priority if : 4 to 7
Warning: No condition matches in 'unique if' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 8, at time 7.
Warning: No condition matches in 'unique case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 30, at time 7.
Warning: No condition matches in 'priority case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 39, at time 7.
Warning: No condition matches in 'unique case' statement.
"unique_priority.sv", line 47, at time 7.

Loop statements
Verilog provides for, while, repeat and forever loops. SystemVerilog enhances the Verilog for loop, and adds a do...while loop and a foreach loop. |

- do statement while(condition), is similar to C
- SystemVerilog adds the ability to declare the for loop control variable within the for loop.
- The foreach construct specifies iteration over the elements of an array.

Example - do while loop

1 module while_loop ();
3 byte a = 0;
5 initial begin
6 do begin
7 $display ("Current value of a = %g", a);
8 a ++;
9 end while (a < 10);
10 #1 $finish;
11 end
13 endmodule
You could download file while_loop.sv here

Simulator Output |

Current value of a = 0
Current value of a = 1
Current value of a = 2
Current value of a = 3
Current value of a = 4
Current value of a = 5
Current value of a = 6
Current value of a = 7
Current value of a = 8
Current value of a = 9

Example - for loop

1 module for_loop ();
3 initial begin
4 fork
5 for (int i = 0 ; i < 4; i ++) begin
6 #1 $display ("First -> Current value of i = %g", i);
7 end
8 for (int i = 4 ; i > 0; i --) begin
9 #1 $display ("Second -> Current value of i = %g", i);
10 end
11 join
12 #1 $finish;
13 end
15 endmodule
You could download file for_loop.sv here

Simulator Output |

First -> Current value of i = 0
Second -> Current value of i = 4
First -> Current value of i = 1
Second -> Current value of i = 3
First -> Current value of i = 2
Second -> Current value of i = 2
First -> Current value of i = 3
Second -> Current value of i = 1



Example - foreach loop

1 module foreach_loop ();
3 byte a [10] = '{0,6,7,4,5,66,77,99,22,11};
5 initial begin
6 foreach (a[i]) begin
7 $display ("Value of a is %g",i);
8 end
9 #1 $finish;
10 end
12 endmodule
You could download file foreach_loop.sv here

Simulator Output |

Value of a is 0
Value of a is 1
Value of a is 2
Value of a is 3
Value of a is 4
Value of a is 5
Value of a is 6
Value of a is 7
Value of a is 8
Value of a is 9

Jump statements
SystemVerilog adds the C jump statements break, continue and return. |

- break : out of loop as in C
- continue : skip to end of loop (move to next loop value) as in C
- return expression : exit from a function
- return : exit from a task or void function

The continue and break statements can only be used in a loop. The continue statement jumps to the end of the loop and executes the loop control if present. The break statement jumps out of the loop. The continue and break statements cannot be used inside a fork...join block to control a loop outside the fork...join block. The return statement can only be used in a task or function. In a function returning a value, the return must have an expression of the correct type. |

Note that SystemVerilog does not include the C goto statement. |

Example - break

1 module break_loop ();
3 initial begin
4 for (int i = 0 ; i < 10; i ++) begin
5 #1 $display ("Current value of i = %g", i);
6 if ( i == 5) begin
7 $display ("Coming out of for loop");
8 break;
9 end
10 end
11 #1 $finish;
12 end
14 endmodule
You could download file break_loop.sv here

Simulator Output |

Current value of i = 0
Current value of i = 1
Current value of i = 2
Current value of i = 3
Current value of i = 4
Current value of i = 5
Coming out of for loop

Example - continue

1 module continue_loop ();
3 initial begin
4 for (int i = 0 ; i < 10; i ++) begin
5 if ( (i >= 5) && (i < 8)) begin
6 $display ("Continue with next interation");
7 continue;
8 end
9 #1 $display ("Current value of i = %g", i);
10 end
11 #1 $finish;
12 end
14 endmodule
You could download file continue_loop.sv here

Simulator Output |

Current value of i = 0
Current value of i = 1
Current value of i = 2
Current value of i = 3
Current value of i = 4
Continue with next interation
Continue with next interation
Continue with next interation
Current value of i = 8
Current value of i = 9

Example - return

1 module return_function ();
3 initial begin
4 printI();
5 #1 $finish;
6 end
8 function void printI;
9 begin
10 for (int i = 0 ; i < 10; i ++) begin
11 if (i >= 5) begin
12 return; // no value returned
13 end
14 $display ("Current value of i = %g", i);
15 end
16 end
17 endfunction
20 endmodule
You could download file return_function.sv here

Simulator Output |

Current value of i = 0
Current value of i = 1
Current value of i = 2
Current value of i = 3
Current value of i = 4

Example - return expression

1 module return_value_function ();
4 initial begin
5 $display ("Value returned from function = %g", printI());
6 #1 $finish;
7 end
9 function int printI;
10 begin
11 for (int i = 0 ; i < 10; i ++) begin
12 if (i >= 5) begin
13 return i ; // value returned
14 end
15 $display ("Current value of i = %g", i);
16 end
17 end
18 endfunction
20 endmodule
You could download file return_value_function.sv here

Simulator Output |

Current value of i = 0
Current value of i = 1
Current value of i = 2
Current value of i = 3
Current value of i = 4
Value returned from function = 5

Final blocks
The final block is like an initial block, defining a procedural block of statements, except that it occurs at the end of simulation time and executes without delays. A final block is typically used to display statistical information about the simulation. |

The only statements allowed inside a final block are those permitted inside a function declaration. This guarantees that they execute within a single simulation cycle. Unlike an initial block, the final block does not execute as a separate process; instead, it executes in zero time, the same as a function call. |

Example - final block

1 module final_block ();
3 initial begin
4 for (int i = 0 ; i < 10; i ++) begin
5 if ( (i >= 5) && (i < 8)) begin
6 $display ("@%g Continue with next interation", $time);
7 continue;
8 end
9 #1 $display ("@%g Current value of i = %g", $time, i);
10 end
11 #1 $finish;
12 end
14 final begin
15 $display ("Final block called at time %g", $time);
16 $display ("---- We can not have delays in it ----");
17 end
19 endmodule
You could download file final_block.sv here

Simulator Output |

@1 Current value of i = 0
@2 Current value of i = 1
@3 Current value of i = 2
@4 Current value of i = 3
@5 Current value of i = 4
@5 Continue with next interation
@5 Continue with next interation
@5 Continue with next interation
@6 Current value of i = 8
@7 Current value of i = 9
Final block called at time 8
---- We can not have delays in it ----



