![../images/main/bullet_green_ball.gif](../images/main/bullet_green_ball.gif) |
Verilog has a simple organization. All data, functions and tasks are in modules except for system tasks and functions, which are global, and can be defined in the PLI. A Verilog module can contain instances of other modules. Any uninstantiated module is at the top level. This does not apply to libraries, which therefore have a different status and a different procedure for analyzing them. A hierarchical name can be used to specify any named object from anywhere in the instance hierarchy. The module hierarchy is often arbitrary and a lot of effort is spent in maintaining port lists. |
An important enhancement in SystemVerilog is the ability to pass any data type through module ports, including nets, and all variable types including reals, arrays, and structures. |
- Packages containing declarations such as data, types, classes, tasks and functions
- Nested module declarations, to aid in representing self-contained models and libraries
- Simplified named port connections, using .name
- A concept of interfaces to bundle connections between modules
- Time unit and time precision specifications bound to modules
![../images/main/bulllet_4dots_orange.gif](../images/main/bulllet_4dots_orange.gif) |
In Verilog 2001 and 1995, there was no way to share common code (task and function) across modules without using `include compiler directive. Packages provide ways to have common code to be shared across multiple modules. SystemVerilog provides package support to help share following |
- parameters
- data
- type
- task
- function
- sequence
- property
Above can be shared across SystemVerilog modules, macromodule interfaces and programs. Few rules that should be followed with packages are. |
- Packages can not contain any assign statement.
- Variable declaration assignments within the package shall occur before any initial, always, always_comb, always_latch, or always_ff blocks
- Items within packages cannot have hierarchical references.
- Assign statment on any net type is not allowed.
Accessing data, functions or types in pakages there are two ways. |
- By class scope resolution operator ::
- By import statement : The import statement provides direct visibility of identifiers within packages.
A package is to group a type declaration and a set of tasks or functions that operate on that type. In this scenario, a module could then declare objects of the type and use the package tasks/functions to operate on the object data. |
A package is to define a utility for common use. This sort of package often makes use of persistent state and non-reentrancy in its implementation. |
Below example shows how to declare a package, how to access members of pakage. |
![../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif](../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif) |
Example - Package
1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 // Package Declaration
3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 package msgPkg;
5 integer errCnt = 0;
6 integer warnCnt = 0;
7 bit terminate_on_error = 0;
8 string msgName = "NULL";
9 //=================================================
10 // Initilizes the messaging
11 //=================================================
12 task initMsgPkg (string mName, bit term);
13 terminate_on_error = term;
14 msgName = mName;
15 endtask
16 //=================================================
17 // Prints the INFO message
18 //=================================================
19 task msg_info (string msg);
20 $display ("@%0dns %s INFO : %s",$time,msgName,msg);
21 endtask
22 //=================================================
23 // Prints the warning message
24 //=================================================
25 task msg_warn (string msg);
26 $display ("@%0dns %s WARN : %s",$time,msgName,msg);
27 warnCnt ++;
28 endtask
29 //=================================================
30 // Prints error message
31 //=================================================
32 task msg_error (string msg);
33 $display ("@%0dns %s ERROR : %s",$time,msgName,msg);
34 errCnt ++;
35 if (terminate_on_error) $finish;
36 endtask
37 //=================================================
38 // Prints fatal message and terminates simulation
39 //=================================================
40 task msg_fatal (string msg);
41 $display ("@%0dns %s FATAL : %s",$time,msgName,msg);
42 $finish;
43 endtask
44 //=================================================
45 // Returns the error count
46 //=================================================
47 function integer getErrCnt();
48 getErrCnt = errCnt;
49 endfunction
50 //=================================================
51 // Returns the warning count
52 //=================================================
53 function integer getWarnCnt();
54 getWarnCnt = warnCnt;
55 endfunction
57 endpackage
You could download file msgPkg.sv here
1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 // Package Declaration
3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 package definesPkg;
5 //=================================================
6 // TypeDefs declaration
7 //=================================================
8 typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} bool;
9 typedef struct {
10 bit [7:0] addr;
11 bit [7:0] data;
12 bit wr;
13 } mem_s;
15 endpackage
You could download file definesPkg.sv here
1 //=================================================
2 // Include all the files
3 //=================================================
4 `include "msgPkg.sv"
5 `include "definesPkg.sv"
6 //=================================================
7 // Import the Packages
8 //=================================================
9 import msgPkg::*;
10 import definesPkg::bool;
12 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13 // DUT Using the package
14 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15 module simple_package();
17 bool value = definesPkg::FALSE;
19 initial begin
20 msgPkg::initMsgPkg("PACKAGES",0);
21 msgPkg::msg_info("Testing Packages");
22 #10 msgPkg::msg_warn("Testing Packages");
23 #10 msgPkg::msg_error("Testing Packages");
24 msgPkg::msg_info($psprintf("Warning Count %0d, Error Count %0d",
25 msgPkg::getWarnCnt(), msgPkg::getErrCnt()));
26 if (value ! = definesPkg::TRUE)
27 #10 msgPkg::msg_fatal("Value is FALSE");
28 end
30 endmodule
You could download file simple_package.sv here
![../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif](../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif) |
Simulation : Package
@0ns PACKAGES INFO : Testing Packages
@10ns PACKAGES WARN : Testing Packages
@20ns PACKAGES ERROR : Testing Packages
@20ns PACKAGES INFO : Warning Count 1, Error Count 1