

As in the C language, type casting is used for converting one type of data type to another type of data type. A data type can be changed by using a cast (') operation. The expression to be cast must be enclosed in parentheses or within concatenation or replication braces and is self-determined. |


Example - casting

1 module casting_data();
3 int a = 0;
4 shortint b = 0;
6 initial begin
7 $monitor ("%g a = %d b = %h", $time, a , b);
8 #1 a = int'(2.3 * 3.3);
9 #1 b = shortint'{8'hDE,8'hAD,8'hBE,8'hEF};
10 #1 $finish;
11 end
13 endmodule
You could download file casting_data.sv here

Simulator Output

0 a = 0 b = 0000
1 a = 8 b = 0000
2 a = 8 b = beef





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