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Dynamic arrays
A dynamic array is one dimension of an unpacked array whose size can be set or changed at runtime. The space for a dynamic array doesn t exist until the array is explicitly created at runtime. |
SystemVerilog provides set of function to work with dynamic arrays. |
- new[] : This operator is used to set or change the size of the array.
- size(): This method returns the current size of the array.
- delete() : This method clears all the elements yielding an empty array (zero size).
![../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif](../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif) |
Example - Dynamic Array
1 module dynamic_array_data();
3 // Declare dynamic array
4 reg [7:0] mem [];
6 initial begin
7 // Allocate array for 4 locations
8 $display ("Setting array size to 4");
9 mem = new[4];
10 $display("Initial the array with default values");
11 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) begin
12 mem[i] = i;
13 end
14 // Doubling the size of array, with old content still valid
15 mem = new[8] (mem);
16 // Print current size
17 $display ("Current array size is %d",mem.size());
18 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) begin
19 $display ("Value at location %g is %d ", i, mem[i]);
20 end
21 // Delete array
22 $display ("Deleting the array");
23 mem.delete();
24 $display ("Current array size is %d",mem.size());
25 #1 $finish;
26 end
28 endmodule
You could download file dynamic_array_data.sv here
![../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif](../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif) |
Simulation Output
Setting array size to 4
Initial the array with default values
Current array size is 8
Value at location 0 is 0
Value at location 1 is 1
Value at location 2 is 2
Value at location 3 is 3
Deleting the array
Current array size is 0
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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
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