Implication kind property is kind of similar to if..else kind property. What implication does is, it checks for the preceding sequence to occur to check behaviour. |
Below is the syntax of implication property. |
sequence_expr |-> property_expr
sequence_expr |=> property_expr
The result of the implication is either true or false. The left-hand operand sequence_expr is called the antecedent, while the right-hand operand property_expr is called the consequent. |
Rules of implication operator |
- From a given start point, the antecedent sequence_expr can have zero, one, or more than one successful match.
- If there is no match of the antecedent sequence_expr from a given start point, then evaluation of the implication from that start point succeeds vacuously and returns true.
- For each successful match of antecedent sequence_expr, the consequent property_expr is separately evaluated. The end point of the match of the antecedent sequence_expr is the start point of the evaluation of the consequent property_expr.
- From a given start point, evaluation of the implication succeeds and returns true if, and only if, for every match of the antecedent sequence_expr beginning at the start point, the evaluation of the consequent property_expr beginning at the end point of the match succeeds and returns true.
There are two types of implication operator as shown in above syntax. |
- |-> : Overlapped implication operator. If there is a match for the antecedent sequence_expr, then the end point of the match is the start point of the evaluation of the consequent property_expr.
- |=> : Non Overlapped implication operator. The start point of the evaluation of the consequent property_expr is the clock tick after the end point of the match.
Below example shows the difference between |-> and |=> and application of implication operator. |
Example : implication
1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 // DUT With assertions
3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 module implication_assertion();
6 logic clk = 0;
7 always #1 clk ++;
9 logic req,busy,gnt;
10 //=================================================
11 // Sequence Layer
12 //=================================================
13 sequence implication_seq;
14 req ##1 (busy [->3]) ##1 gnt;
15 endsequence
17 //=================================================
18 // Property Specification Layer
19 //=================================================
20 property overlap_prop;
21 @ (posedge clk)
22 req |-> implication_seq;
23 endproperty
25 property nonoverlap_prop;
26 @ (posedge clk)
27 req |=> implication_seq;
28 endproperty
29 //=================================================
30 // Assertion Directive Layer
31 //=================================================
32 overlap_assert : assert property (overlap_prop);
33 nonoverlap_assert : assert property (nonoverlap_prop);
35 //=================================================
36 // Generate input vectors
37 //=================================================
38 initial begin
39 // Pass sequence
40 gen_seq(3,0);
41 repeat (20) @ (posedge clk);
42 // Fail sequence (gnt is not asserted properly)
43 gen_seq(3,1);
44 // Terminate the sim
45 #30 $finish;
46 end
47 //=================================================
48 /// Task to generate input sequence
49 //=================================================
50 task gen_seq (int busy_delay,int gnt_delay);
51 req <= 0; busy <= 0;gnt <= 0;
52 @ (posedge clk);
53 req <= 1;
54 @ (posedge clk);
55 req <= 0;
56 repeat (busy_delay) begin
57 @ (posedge clk);
58 busy <= 1;
59 @ (posedge clk);
60 busy <= 0;
61 end
62 repeat (gnt_delay) @ (posedge clk);
63 gnt <= 1;
64 @ (posedge clk);
65 gnt <= 0;
66 endtask
68 endmodule
You could download file implication_assertion.sv here
Simulation : implication
"implication_assertion.sv", 33:
implication_assertion.nonoverlap_assert: started at 3s failed at 5s
Offending 'req'
"implication_assertion.sv", 33:
implication_assertion.nonoverlap_assert: started at 61s failed at 63s
Offending 'req'
"implication_assertion.sv", 32:
implication_assertion.overlap_assert: started at 61s failed at 75s
Offending 'gnt'
$finish called from file "implication_assertion.sv", line 45.
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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com