Property layer is built on top of sequence layer. It uses zero or more sequence to check a design assumption. zero assertions because, property layer can contain boolean layer directly. In order to use the behavior for verification, an assert, assume, or cover statement must be used. A property declaration by itself does not produce any result. Result of a property like in the case of a sequence is either true or false. |
Properties can be declared in following places. |
- module
- interface
- program
- clocking block
- package
- A compilation Unit
Properties can have following kinds. |
- A sequence
- Negation
- Disjunction
- Conjunction
- if..else
- implication
- Another named property
A sequence
A property can be simple sequence expression, as loong as it is not a empty match. Below is a simple example of this kind of property. |
Example : A Sequence
1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 // DUT With assertions
3 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 module propseq_assertion();
6 logic req,gnt,clk;
7 //=================================================
8 // Clock generator
9 //=================================================
10 initial begin
11 clk = 0;
12 forever #1 clk ++;
13 end
14 //=================================================
15 // Simple DUT behaviour
16 //=================================================
17 always @ (posedge clk)
18 gnt <= req;
19 //=================================================
20 // Test Vector generation
21 //=================================================
22 initial begin
23 req <= 0;
24 #3 req <= 1;
25 #5 req <= 0;
26 #1 $finish;
27 end
28 //=================================================
29 // A sequence property
30 //=================================================
31 property propseq_prop;
32 @ (posedge clk)
33 req ##1 gnt;
34 endproperty
35 //=================================================
36 // Assertion Directive Layer
37 //=================================================
38 propseq_assert : assert property (propseq_prop);
40 endmodule
You could download file propseq_assertion.sv here
Simulation : A Sequence
"propseq_assertion.sv", 38:
propseq_assertion.propseq_assert: started at 1s failed at 1s
Offending 'req'
"propseq_assertion.sv", 38:
propseq_assertion.propseq_assert: started at 3s failed at 3s
Offending 'req'
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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com