











  ../../images/main/bulllet_4dots_orange.gif UART Scoreboard


  1 class uart_sb;
  2    mailbox tx = new();
  3    mailbox rx = new();
  5   task txAdd(bit [7:0] data);
  6   begin
  7     tx.put(data);
  8     $write("%dns : txAdd     : Added data %x\n",$time, data);
  9   end
 10   endtask
 12   task rxAdd(bit [7:0] data);
 13   begin
 14     rx.put(data);
 15     $write("%dns : rxAdd     : Added data %x\n",$time, data);
 16   end
 17   endtask
 19   task txCompare(bit [7:0] data);
 20   begin
 21     bit [7:0] org_data;
 22     tx.get(org_data);
 23     if (data  ! = org_data) begin
 24       $write("%dns : txCompare : Error : Expected data %x, Got %x\n",
 25        $time, org_data, data); 
 26     end else begin
 27       $write("%dns : txCompare : Match : Expected data %x, Got %x\n",
 28        $time, org_data, data); 
 29     end
 30   end
 31   endtask
 33   task rxCompare(bit [7:0] data);
 34   begin
 35     bit [7:0] org_data;
 36     rx.get(org_data);
 37     if (data  ! = org_data) begin
 38       $write("%dns : rxCompare : Error : Expected data %x, Got %x\n",
 39         $time, org_data, data); 
 40     end else begin
 41       $write("%dns : rxCompare : Match : Expected data %x, Got %x\n",
 42        $time, org_data, data); 
 43     end
 44   end
 45   endtask
 46 endclass
You could download file sv_examples here




  ../../images/main/bulllet_4dots_orange.gif UART Transcation Generator


   1 class uart_txgen;
   2    uart_sb sb;
   3    virtual uart_ports ports;
   4    bit tx_done;
   5    bit rx_done;
   7    // Connects the transmitter output to recevier input
   8    bit loopback;
   9    // Number of frames to send to transmitter
  10    integer no_tx_cmds;
  11    // Number of frames to send to receiver
  12    integer no_rx_cmds;
  13    // Delay the reading of data from receiver
  14    bit rx_over_flow;
  15    // Send frame to transmitter before it has sent out last frame
  16    bit tx_over_flow;
  17    // Insert framming error (stop bit) in frame sent to receiver
  18    bit rx_frame_err;
  20    function new (virtual uart_ports ports);
  21    begin
  22      this.ports = ports;
  23      sb = new();
  24      tx_done = 0;
  25      rx_done = 0;
  26      no_tx_cmds = 5;
  27      no_rx_cmds = 5;
  28      rx_over_flow = 0;
  29      rx_frame_err = 0;
  30      ports.rx_tb_in = 1;
  31      ports.uld_rx_data = 0;
  32    end
  33    endfunction
  35    // Main method, which starts rest of methods 
  36    task goTxgen();
  37    begin
  38      tx_done = 0;
  39      rx_done = 0;
  40      assertReset();
  41      fork 
  42         txDriver();  
  43         rxDriver();  
  44         txMonitor(); 
  45         rxMonitor(); 
  46      join_none
  47    end
  48    endtask
  49    // This method asserts method
  50    task assertReset();
  51    begin
  52       @ (posedge ports.rxclk);
  53       ports.reset = 1;
  54       $write("%dns : Asserting reset to Uart\n",$time);
  55       repeat (5) @ (posedge ports.rxclk);
  56       ports.reset = 0;
  57    end
  58    endtask
  60    task txDriver();
  61    begin
  62      integer i = 0;
  63      integer tx_timeout = 0;
  64      bit [7:0] tx_data = 0;
  65      ports.tx_enable = 1;
  66      for (i = 0; i < no_tx_cmds; i ++)  begin
  67        tx_data = $random();
  68        sb.txAdd(tx_data);
  69        if (loopback == 1) begin
  70          sb.rxAdd(tx_data);
  71        end
  72        // Check if uart is ready to accept data for transmission
  73        while (ports.tx_empty == 0) begin
  74          @ (posedge ports.txclk);
  75          tx_timeout ++ ;
  76          if (tx_timeout > 10) begin
  77            $write("%dns : txDriver : Warning : tx_empty is 0 for more then 10 clocks\n",
  78              $time);
  79          end
  80        end
  81        tx_timeout = 0;
  82        // Drive the data in UART for transmitting
  83        @ (posedge ports.txclk);
  84        ports.ld_tx_data = 1;
  85        ports.tx_data    = tx_data;
  86        $write("%dns : txDriver  : Transmitting data %x\n",$time, tx_data);
  87        @ (posedge ports.txclk);
  88        ports.ld_tx_data = 0;
  89        ports.tx_data    = 0;
  90        while (ports.tx_empty == 1) begin
  91          @ (posedge ports.txclk);
  92          tx_timeout ++ ;
  93          if (tx_timeout > 10) begin
  94            $write("%dns : txDriver : Warning : tx_empty is 1 for more then 10 clocks\n",
  95              $time);
  96          end
  97        end
  98        tx_timeout = 0;
  99      end
 100      tx_done = 1;
 101    end
 102    endtask
 104    task rxDriver();
 105    begin
 106      bit [7:0] rx_data = 0;
 107      integer i,j = 0;
 108      ports.rx_enable = 1;
 109      if (loopback == 1) begin
 110        ports.loopback = 1;
 111      end else begin
 112        ports.loopback = 0;
 113        for (i = 0; i < no_rx_cmds; i++)  begin
 114          rx_data = $random(); 
 115          sb.rxAdd(rx_data);
 116          $write("%dns : rxDriver  : Transmitting data %x\n",$time, rx_data);
 117          @ (posedge ports.txclk);
 118          ports.rx_in = 0;
 119          for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++) begin
 120            @ (posedge ports.txclk);
 121            ports.rx_in = rx_data[j];
 122          end
 123          @ (posedge ports.txclk);
 124          ports.rx_in = 1;
 125          @ (posedge ports.txclk);
 126        end
 127      end
 128      rx_done = 1;
 129    end
 130    endtask
 132    task txMonitor();
 133    begin
 134      bit [7:0] tx_data = 0;
 135      integer i = 0;
 136      while (1) begin
 137        @ (posedge ports.txclk);
 138        if (ports.tx_out == 0) begin
 139           $write("%dns : txMonitor : Found start of frame\n",$time);
 140           for (i = 0; i < 8; i ++)  begin
 141             @ (posedge ports.txclk);
 142             tx_data[i] = ports.tx_out;
 143           end
 144           @ (posedge ports.txclk);
 145           if (ports.tx_out == 0) begin
 146             $write("%dns : txMonitor Error : Framing error detecting\n",$time);
 147             sb.txCompare(8'b0);
 148           end else begin
 149             $write("%dns : txMonitor : Sampled data %x\n",$time, tx_data);
 150             sb.txCompare(tx_data);
 151           end
 152        end
 153      end
 154    end
 155    endtask
 157    task rxMonitor() ;
 158    begin
 159      bit [7:0] rx_data = 0;
 160      while (1) begin
 161        @ (posedge ports.txclk);
 162        if (ports.rx_empty == 0) begin
 163          ports.uld_rx_data = 1;
 164          @ (posedge ports.txclk);
 165          rx_data = ports.rx_data;
 166          ports.uld_rx_data = 0;
 167          $write("%dns : rxMonitor : Sampled data %x\n",$time, rx_data);
 168          sb.rxCompare(rx_data);
 169          @ (posedge ports.txclk);
 170        end
 171      end
 172    end
 173    endtask
 175    function bit isDone();
 176    begin
 177      if (tx_done == 1 && rx_done == 1) begin
 178        isDone =  1;
 179      end else begin
 180        isDone = 0;
 181      end
 182    end
 183    endfunction
 184 endclass
You could download file sv_examples here


  ../../images/main/bulllet_4dots_orange.gif Ports File


  1 `ifndef UART_PORTS_SV
  2 `define UART_PORTS_Sv
  4 interface uart_ports (
  5  output   logic       reset          ,
  6  input    wire        txclk          ,
  7  output   logic       ld_tx_data     ,
  8  output   logic [7:0] tx_data        ,
  9  output   logic       tx_enable      ,
 10  output   logic       tx_out         ,
 11  input    wire        tx_empty       ,
 12  input    wire        rxclk          ,
 13  output   logic       uld_rx_data    ,
 14  input    wire  [7:0] rx_data        ,
 15  output   logic       rx_enable      ,
 16  output   logic       rx_in          ,
 17  input    wire        rx_empty       ,
 18  output   logic       loopback       , 
 19  output   logic       rx_tb_in       
 20 );
 21 endinterface
 23 `endif
You could download file sv_examples here














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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved

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