

Sample Digital Questions Asked in Interviews. Please contribute your questions. If you are looking for answers please refer to website FAQ |

What is the output of AND gate in the circuit below, when A and B are as in waveform? Tp is the gate delay of respective gate.



Identify the circuit below, and its limitation.


What is the current through the resistor R1 (Ic) ?


Referring to the diagram below, briefly explain what will happen if the propagation delay of the clock signal in path B is much too high compared to path A. How do we solve this problem if the propagation delay in path B can not be reduced ?


What is the function of a D flip-flop, whose inverted output is connected to its input ?

Design a circuit to divide input frequency by 2.

Design a divide-by-3 sequential circuit with 50% duty cycle.

Design a divide-by-5 sequential circuit with 50% duty cycle.

What are the different types of adder implementations ?

Draw a Transmission Gate-based D-Latch.

Give the truth table for a Half Adder. Give a gate level implementation of it.

What is the purpose of the buffer in the circuit below, is it necessary/redundant to have a buffer ?


What is the output of the circuit below, assuming that value of 'X' is not known ?


Consider a circular disk as shown in the figure below with two sensors mounted X, Y and a blue shade painted on the disk for an angle of 45 degree. Design a circuit with minimum number of gates to detect the direction of rotation.


Design an OR gate from 2:1 MUX.


Design an XOR gate from 2:1 MUX and a NOT gate

What is the difference between a LATCH and a FLIP-FLOP ?

- Latch is a level sensitive device while flip-flop is an edge sensitive device.
- Latch is sensitive to glitches on enable pin, whereas flip-flop is immune to glitches.
- Latches take less gates (also less power) to implement than flip-flops.
- Latches are faster than flip-flops.


Design a D Flip-Flop from two latches.


Design a 2 bit counter using D Flip-Flop.

What are the two types of delays in any digital system ?

Design a Transparent Latch using a 2:1 Mux.


Design a 4:1 Mux using 2:1 Muxes and some combo logic.


What is metastable state ? How does it occur ?

What is metastability ?

Design a 3:8 decoder

Design a FSM to detect sequence "101" in input sequence.

Convert NAND gate into Inverter, in two different ways.

Design a D and T flip flop using 2:1 mux; use of other components not allowed, just the mux.

Design a divide by two counter using D-Latch.

Design D Latch from SR flip-flop.

Define Clock Skew , Negative Clock Skew, Positive Clock Skew.

What is Race Condition ?

Design a 4 bit Gray Counter.

Design 4-bit Synchronous counter, Asynchronous counter.

Design a 16 byte Asynchronous FIFO.

What is the difference between an EEPROM and a FLASH ?

What is the difference between a NAND-based Flash and a NOR-based Flash ?

You are given a 100 MHz clock. Design a 33.3 MHz clock with and without 50% duty cycle.

Design a Read on Reset System ?

Which one is superior: Asynchronous Reset or Synchronous Reset ? Explain.

Design a State machine for Traffic Control at a Four point Junction.

What are FIFO's? Can you draw the block diagram of FIFO? Could you modify it to make it asynchronous FIFO ?

How can you generate random sequences in digital circuits?



