Digital Electronics Tutorial
DIGITAL SYSTEMS Engineering : From cambridge.org,
Digital Systems GROUP : From auburn.edu,
How Boolean Logic Works : From HowStuffWorks.com,
How Electronic Gates Work : From HowStuffWorks.com,
xLogic Circuits Lab : From math.hws.edu,
DIGITAL LOGIC (LINKS) : From play-hookey.com,
Fundamental Logic Circuits : From tpub.com,
Logic Circuits : From wustl.edu,
BOOLEAN Functions, Digital Logic : From engnet.anu.edu.AU,
BINARY Number System : From math.grin.edu,
COMBINATIONAL LOGIC Circuits : From ee.surrey.ac.UK,
Digital Logic (LINKS) : From ee.surrey.ac.UK,
Combinational Logic : From phys.ualberta.CA,
Digital BASICS : From electronics-tutorials.com,
Digital Circuits : From jhu.edu/~virtlab,
Digital Electronics :
Digital Logic : From eas.asu.edu,
Logic Gates : From autoshop101.com,
NEW LINKS TUTORIAL LINKS : 101science.com,
Digital Logic Circuits (pdf file) : From ac.IR
Synthesis Of Logic Circuits : From princeton.edu,
KARNAUGH Maps 101 : From maxmon.com,
Karnaugh Map, software : From puz.com,
Karnaugh Maps : From engnet.anu.edu.AU,
SEQUENTIAL LOGIC Basics : From seas.upenn.edu,
Sequential Logic Circuits : ele.ufes.BR.

Digital Simulators
Digital Simulator : Digital Simulator has a toolbar of digital circuit elements, including logic gates, flip-flops, switches, and indicators. Drawing a circuit with Digital Simulator is like using a paint program. You click the element's icon on the toolbar, then click where you want the element to go. You use a similar procedure to draw wires and indicate connections. It's that simple.
Edison 4 for Windows : Edison Version 4 provides a unique new environment for learning electricity and electronics. Teachers, students and electronics enthusiasts can use digitally scanned photo realistic components, a solder less breadboard, virtual instruments, sound and animation to create, test, and safely repair lifelike 3D circuits and simultaneously see the corresponding circuit schematic. Edison also comes with over 100 experiments and problems that teachers and students can use immediately.
Aimspice : download a student version from their site.
Anasoft : Schematics entry integrated with industry standard SPICE 3f5 engine, the demo which can be downloaded from the website seems to work well. Your own symbols and components can be added via the symbol editor.
Beige Bag : A neat looking integrated simulator on their site, with a 30 day fully functional trial version. Lots of models too... Check it out!
Circuit Designer Pro :
Eagle schematics and PCB layout : This is not a simulator, but a schematic capture and routing tool which I understand can integrate with SPICE. Includes auto-routing facility, and a large library of components. Hobbyists edition available for non-commercial use, free of charge with a maximum board size of 100mm x 80mm with two layers. EAGLE runs on Windows® 95, Windows NT®, Linux and MS-DOS®, and registered editions start at $49 which includes telephone tech support.
Electronic Workbench : Very easy to use with package scaling for Personal, Student and Pro versions. Uses real world DMM's and Scopes to provide results of simulations. Integrated PCB placement software now available too.
MicroCap 5 : Costs $3,495 although a student/demo version is available for download [1.75MB].
Orcad : The makers of Pspice integrated schematic capture, simulation, and PCB routing suite. All of their tools are available on a CD which is sent free on request - this is a fully working suite limited to 60 components and some restrictions on the libraries
SIMetrix : A UK developed simulator with schematic capture linked to spice 3.x. You can download an almost fully functional demo, limited by a 30 second run time (2 megs in size).
TopSpice by Penzar : "An affordable integrated computer-aided circuit design software package offering advanced native mixed-mode mixed-signal analog/digital/behavioral simulation based on the industry standard SPICE program." More news when I've checked their demo out (2mb).
Winspice3 by Mike Smith : An excellent port to Windows 95/NT of the traditional SPICE 3f4 engine. Now enhanced to handle some of the 2g6 specific statements.




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