

C Control Flow
The term flow of control refers to the order in which a program's statments are executed. Following are the control flow statements in C language, which can be used to control the flow of a program. |

- if-else-if
- ternary
- switch
- while
- for
- break
- continue

The if statement has the same function as other languages. It has three basic forms: |

- if (expression) { statement }
- if (expression) { statement } else { statement }
- if (expression) { statement } else if { statement } else { statement }

The ? (ternary condition) operator is a more efficient form for expressing simple if statements. It has the following form: |

expression1 ? expression2: expression3 |

It simply states: |

if expression1 then expression2 else expression3 |


The C switch is similar to Pascal's case statement and it allows multiple choice of a selection of items at one level of a conditional where it is a far neater way of writing multiple if statements: |

1 switch (expression) {
2 case item1:
3 statement1;
4 break;
5 case item2:
6 statement2;
7 break;
8 .
9 .
10 .
11 .
12 .
13 .
14 .
15 case itemn:
16 statementn;
17 break;
18 default:
19 statement;
20 break;
21 }
You could download file switch.c here

In each case the value of itemi must be a constant, variables are not allowed. |

The break is needed if you want to terminate the switch after execution of one choice. Otherwise the next case would get evaluated. Note: This is unlike most other languages. |

We can also have null statements by just including a ; or let the switch statement fall through by omitting any statements (see e.g. below). |

The default case is optional and catches any other cases. |

The while statement is similar to those used in other languages although more can be done with the expression statement -- a standard feature of C. |

while(expression) |
statement |

Because the while loop can accept expressions, not just conditions, the following are all legal |

- while (x-)
- while (x=x+1)
- while (x+=5)

Using this type of expression, only when the result of x-, x=x+1, or x+=5, evaluates to 0 will the while condition fail and the loop be exited. |

The C for statement has the following form: |

for (expression1; expression2; expression3) |
statement; |
or {block of statements} |

expression1 initialises; expression2 is the terminate test; expression3 is the modifier (which may be more than just simple increment); |

We have already met break in the discussion of the switch statement. It is used to exit from a loop or a switch, control passing to the first statement beyond the loop or a switch. |

With loops, break can be used to force an early exit from the loop, or to implement a loop with a test to exit in the middle of the loop body. A break within a loop should always be protected within an if statement which provides the test to control the exit condition. |

This is similar to break but is encountered less frequently. It only works within loops where its effect is to force an immediate jump to the loop control statement. |

- In a while loop, jump to the test statement.
- In a do while loop, jump to the test statement.
- In a for loop, jump to the test, and perform the iteration.

Like a break, continue should be protected by an if statement. You are unlikely to use it very often. |



