

Verilog-XL : This is the most standard simulator in the market, as this is the sign off simulator.
NCVerilog : This is the compiled simulator which works as fast as VCS, and still maintains the sign off capabilities of Verilog-XL. This simulator is good when it comes to gate level simulations.
VCS : This is worlds fastest simulator, this is also a compiled simulator like NCverilog. This simulator is faster when it comes to RTL simulation. Few more things about this simulator are direct C kernel interface, Covermeter code coverage embedded, better integration with VERA and other Synopsys tools.
Finsim : This is 100% compatible simulator with Verilog-XL, runs on Linux, Windows and Solaris. This is compiled simulator like VCS and NCVerilog, but slower then VCS and NCVerilog. A $100 version is available, but I wonder what good this can do to Students ?
Modelsim : This is most popular simulator, It has got very good debugger, it supports SystemC, Verilog, VHDL and SystemVerilog.
Smash : mixed signal (spice), Verilog, VHDL simulator.
Silos : I don't know if anyone is using this, Use to be fast and stable.
Veritak : Verilog HDL Compiler/Simulator supporting major Verilog 2001 HDL features. It is integral environment including VHDL to Verilog translator, syntax highlight editor (Veripad), class hierarchy viewer ,multiple waveform viewer ,source analyzer,and more --available for Windows XP/2000. If you are looking for fast verilog HDL simulator with very good GUI for professional use, while keeping extremely inexpensive price , this is it. You can try Veritak for free for two weeks. This simulator costs around $50.
MPSim : Axiom's MPSim is an integrated verification environment combining the fastest simulator in the industry with advanced testbench automation, assertion-based verification, debugging, and coverage analysis. Personally I have seen this simulator to be faster then NCsim, it comes with build in Vera support.
VeriLogger Pro : This simulator has a very easy to use debugging environment that includes a built-in graphical test bench generator. The top-level module ports can be extracted into a timing diagram window that lets the user quickly draw waveforms to describe input stimulus. The test bench is generated automatically and results are displayed in the timing diagram window.



