

Simple Random Generator
To demonstrate a random generator of Specman, lets consider a simple memory, which needs address, data and read/write command to memory. |


Code : Random Generator

1 // This Examples shows how random
2 // Test vectors is generated
4 // This is base object
5 class m_base_o {
6 rand bit [7:0] addr ;
7 rand bit [7:0] data ;
8 rand bit rd_wr;
10 constraint c1 {
11 addr > 0;
12 data > 0;
13 }
15 task print() {
16 printf ("-------------------------\n");
17 printf ("Address : %x\n",addr);
18 printf ("Data : %x\n",data);
19 printf ("Write : %x\n",rd_wr);
20 }
21 }
23 // This is transcation generator
24 class txgen {
25 m_base_o base_ob;
26 integer num_cmds;
27 integer i,s;
29 // Method to generate commands
30 task gen_tx () {
31 base_ob = new();
32 // Generate num_cmds commands
33 for ( i = 0; i < num_cmds; i ++) {
34 s = base_ob.randomize();
35 base_ob.print();
36 }
37 }
38 }
40 // Top level for any vera testbench
41 program memory {
42 txgen tx;
43 tx = new();
44 tx.num_cmds = 5;
45 tx.gen_tx();
46 }
You could download file memory.vr here


Simulation Random Generator

Memory example can be simulating with following command |

vcs -ntb -R memory.vr |


Output of VERA is as given below. |

Address : 06
Data : 58
Write : 1
Address : 31
Data : 03
Write : 1
Address : f3
Data : d5
Write : 0
Address : 31
Data : 03
Write : 0
Address : 1a
Data : 5b
Write : 1





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
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