

Vera supports the foreach construct for single dimensional fixed-size arrays, dynamic arrays and SmartQs. Associative arrays, string mapped associative arrays and multi-dimensional arrays are not supported. |

Syntax : foreach |

foreach (name, loop_variable){


Example : foreach

1 program foreach_statement {
2 string magic[$] = {"ASIC","WORLD","DEEPAK","KUMAR", "TALA"};
3 integer i = 0;
4 foreach (magic,i) {
5 printf("String at index %0d is %s\n",i,magic[i]);
6 }
7 }
You could download file foreach_statement.vr here

Simulation : foreach

String at index 0 is ASIC
String at index 1 is WORLD
String at index 2 is DEEPAK
String at index 3 is KUMAR
String at index 4 is TALA





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
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