

Vera like any other programming language supports controlling of flow of program execution. Vera supports following constructs. |

- if-else
- case
- repeat
- for
- while
- foreach

We will be seeing each of this in detail in next few pages. |


The if - else statement controls the execution of other statements. In programming language like Verilog, if - else controls the flow of program. When more than one statement needs to be executed for an if condition, then we need to use { and }. |

Syntax: |

if (expression)


Example : if-else

1 program if_else {
2 integer i = 100;
3 integer j = 10;
4 // simple if with only one statement to execute
5 if (i == 100)
6 printf("value of i is 100\n");
7 else
8 printf("value of i is not 100\n");
10 // if with muliple statements
11 if (i > 60) {
12 printf ("I is greater then 60\n");
13 printf ("I value is %0d\n",i);
14 } else {
15 printf ("I is less then 60\n");
16 printf ("I value is %0d\n",i);
17 }
18 // nested if
19 if (i > 100) {
20 printf ("I is greater then 100\n");
21 } else if (j > 5) {
22 printf ("J is greater then 5\n");
23 } else {
24 printf ("I is not greater then 100\n");
25 printf ("J is not greater then 5\n");
26 }
28 }
You could download file if_else.vr here

Simulation : if-else

value of i is 100
I is greater then 60
I value is 100
J is greater then 5





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com