

Virtual Ports
A virtual port is a user-defined data type that contains a set of port signal members grouped together under a given user-defined port name. |

Syntax |

port virtual_port_name{ port_signal_member_name1; ... port_signal_member_nameN; } |

Tasks and functions, therefore, can be defined with reference to port signal members, instead of specific interface signals, which enables reuse of these tasks and functions. |

There can, of course, be multiple port variables of the same virtual port type. The port signal members of each virtual port variable can be assigned to different sets of interface signals, respectively. When a task or function is called and a virtual port variable is passed as an argument, operations are performed on the set of interface signals that are assigned to the port signal members. |


Example : Virtual Ports

1 #include "vera_defines.vrh"
3 // Port Declaration
4 port count_p {
5 clock;
6 reset;
7 enable;
8 cout;
9 }
10 // This is what connects with HDL
11 interface count_if0 {
12 input clock CLOCK;
13 output reset PHOLD#1;
14 output enable PHOLD#1;
15 input [3:0] cout PSAMPLE #-1;
16 }
17 // Now bind interface with Port
18 bind count_p count_bind {
19 clock count_if0.clock;
20 reset count_if0.reset;
21 enable count_if0.enable;
22 cout count_if0.cout;
23 }
24 // Top level program
25 program virtual_port {
26 count_p count = count_bind;
27 // Start the actual test here
28 @ (posedge count.$clock);
29 printf("Asserting Reset\n");
30 count.$reset = 1;
31 count.$enable = 0;
32 @ (posedge count.$clock);
33 printf("Deasserting Reset\n");
34 count.$reset = 0;
35 @ (posedge count.$clock);
36 printf("Asserting Enable\n");
37 count.$enable = 1;
38 repeat(10) {
39 @ (posedge count.$clock);
40 printf("Counter value %x\n",count.$cout);
41 }
42 @ (posedge count.$clock);
43 printf("Deasserting Enable\n");
44 count.$enable = 0;
45 }
You could download file virtual_port.vr here

Virtual Ports Verilog Code

1 module virtual_port_verilog ();
2 // Internal variables
3 reg [3:0] counter;
4 reg clk;
5 wire rst;
6 wire counter_en;
7 // Connect the program here
8 virtual_port vshell(
9 .SystemClock (clk),
10 .\count_if0.clock (clk),
11 .\count_if0.reset (rst),
12 .\count_if0.enable (counter_en),
13 .\count_if0.cout (counter)
14 );
15 // Init all the variables
16 initial begin
17 clk = 0;
18 end
19 // Clock generator
20 always #1 clk = ~clk;
21 // Counter code
22 always @ (posedge clk)
23 if (rst) counter <= 0;
24 else if (counter_en) counter <= counter + 1;
26 endmodule
You could download file virtual_port.v here

Simulation : Virtual Ports
vcs -ntb -ntb_define SYNOPSYS_NTB +define+SYNOPSYS_NTB virtual_port.vr virtual_port.v -R |
Asserting Reset
Deasserting Reset
Asserting Enable
Counter value 00
Counter value 01
Counter value 02
Counter value 03
Counter value 04
Counter value 05
Counter value 06
Counter value 07
Counter value 08
Counter value 09
Deasserting Enable





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com