

Variables and Scope
Coverage information can be specified for any OpenVera variable or interface signal that is in the scope of a coverage_group's domain. This means that not all variables being monitored need to be passed in as arguments to the coverage_group. |

Some of the variables that can used inside a coverage_group are |

- Variables declared in current class
- Variables declared in base class
- Variables declared in program block
- Variables declared in another class, instantiated in current class
- Inout and Output ports of a interface
- Sample parameters to coverage_group


Example : Variables and Scope : Vera File
1 // Interface declaration
2 interface top {
3 input clk CLOCK;
4 input [3:0] data PSAMPLE;
5 }
7 // Coverage class declaration
8 class coverage_explicit {
9 bit [3:0] value;
10 event now;
12 coverage_group something (sample bit [2:0] param) {
13 sample_event = sync(ALL,now);
14 // Sample program block variable
15 sample v;
16 // Sample class variable
17 sample value;
18 // Sample interface signal
19 sample top.data;
20 // Sample coverage group parameter
21 sample param;
22 // We can sample base class or member of another class
24 }
26 task new (bit [2:0] param) {
27 something = new (param);
28 }
30 task update_coverage (bit [3:0] value) {
31 this.value = value;
32 trigger(now);
33 }
34 }
35 // Program block declaration
36 program test {
37 coverage_explicit cov = new(10);
38 bit [3:0] v;
39 repeat (10) {
40 v = random();
41 printf("Value is %d\n",v);
42 cov.update_coverage(v);
43 delay(1);
44 }
45 }
You could download file coverage_interface.vr here

Example : Variables and Scope : HDL File
1 module tb();
4 reg [3:0] data;
5 reg clk;
7 initial begin
8 clk = 0;
9 data = 0;
10 end
12 always #5 clk = ~clk;
14 test vshell (
15 .SystemClock (clk),
16 .\top.clk (clk),
17 .\top.data (data)
18 );
20 endmodule
You could download file coverage_interface.v here





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
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