

Use the m_state state declaration to declare multiple state bins up to a maximum of 4096 bins. |

The syntax is: |

m_state state_bin_name (exp1:exp2); |

- state_bin_name : is the base name of the state bins being created.
- exp : can be any valid coverage expression. You cannot call functions in the expressions, but the expressions can include variables.
When you use the m_state declaration, Vera creates multiple state bins covering all the values in the range and evaluates expressions when the coverage object is instantiated. |



1 class coverage_m_state {
2 bit [3:0] value;
3 integer now;
5 coverage_group something {
6 sample_event = wait_var(now);
7 sample value {
8 m_state ABC_ (0:12);
9 }
10 }
12 task new () {
13 now = 0;
14 }
16 task update_coverage (bit [3:0] value) {
17 this.value = value;
18 now ++;
19 }
20 }
24 program test {
25 coverage_m_state cov = new();
26 bit [3:0] v;
27 repeat (10) {
28 v = random();
29 printf("Value is %d\n",v);
30 cov.update_coverage(v);
31 delay(1);
32 }
33 }
You could download file coverage_m_state.vr here

Simulation log

Value is 12
Value is 13
Value is 15
Value is 9
Value is 13
Value is 10
Value is 6
Value is 3
Value is 15
Value is 5

Coverage Report

Group : test::coverage_m_state::something
Group : test::coverage_m_state::something
Score Weight Goal
46.15 1 100
Samples for Group : test::coverage_m_state::something
Variable Expected Covered Percent Goal Weight
Total 13 6 46.15
value 13 6 46.15 100 1
Summary for variable value
Expected Covered Percent
User Defined Bins 13 6 46.15
User Defined Bins for value
Uncovered bins
name count at least
ABC__0 0 1
ABC__1 0 1
ABC__2 0 1
ABC__4 0 1
ABC__7 0 1
ABC__8 0 1
ABC__11 0 1
Covered bins
name count at least
ABC__3 1 1
ABC__5 1 1
ABC__6 1 1
ABC__9 1 1
ABC__10 1 1
ABC__12 1 1





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com