

Constraint Blocks
In last few pages we saw how to contraint a random variable to legal range that we want to generate. In next few pages we will see. |

- default constraint
- inclusive and exclusive
- distribution
- conditional constraint
- foreach
- solve before hard

And also some advanced constraint topics. |


Default Constraints
Default constraints are like soft constraints in other HVL. What I mean by default constraint is, Vera randomizer first applies Default contraints before applying other contraints in the class. |

Any constraint that is applied while executing default constraint can be overridden with normal constraints. Below example shows how default constraint works in Vera. |

Example : Default Constraint

1 class frame_t {
2 rand bit start_bit;
3 rand bit [7:0] data;
4 bit parity;
5 rand bit stop_bit;
7 default constraint valid{
8 start_bit == 0;
9 stop_bit == 1;
10 }
12 constraint framing_error {
13 start_bit == 1;
14 stop_bit == 0;
15 }
17 task post_randomize() {
18 parity = ^data;
19 }
21 task new() {
22 integer i = this.constraint_mode(OFF,"framing_error");
23 }
24 }
26 program default_constraint {
27 frame_t frame = new();
28 integer i = 0;
29 // Print frame before randomize
30 printf("-------------------------------\n");
31 frame.object_print();
32 printf("-------------------------------\n");
33 i = frame.randomize();
34 frame.object_print();
35 printf("-------------------------------\n");
36 i = frame.constraint_mode(ON,"framing_error");
37 i = frame.randomize() with {
38 data == 7;
39 };
40 frame.object_print();
41 printf("-------------------------------\n");
43 }
You could download file default_constraint.vr here

Simulation Output : Default Constraint

start_bit : bin: x
data : bin: xxxxxxxx
parity : bin: x
stop_bit : bin: x
start_bit : hex: 0
data : hex: 36
parity : hex: 0
stop_bit : hex: 1
start_bit : hex: 1
data : hex: 07
parity : hex: 1
stop_bit : hex: 0





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com