

Variables system tasks
Systemverilog provides list of system tasks to get information on variables as listed below |

- type name functions : $typename The $typename system function returns a string that represents the resolved type of its argument.
- expression size system functions : $size The $bits system function returns the number of bits required to hold an expression as a bit stream.
- range system functions : $isunbounded The $isunbounded system function returns true if the argument is $.


Example : Variables system tasks

1 module system_variable();
3 bit signed [2:0] abc;
4 int signed xyz;
5 enum {A,B,C=99} enm;
7 typedef struct {bit [7:0] A,B;} AB_t;
8 AB_t AB[10];
10 parameter int foo = $;
12 initial begin
13 // $typename usage
14 $display ("$typename of abc %s",$typename(abc));
15 $display ("$typename of xyz %s",$typename(xyz));
16 $display ("$typename of enm %s",$typename(enm));
17 $display ("$typename of AB_t %s",$typename(AB_t));
18 $display ("$typename of AB %s",$typename(AB));
19 $display ("$typename of foo %s",$typename(foo));
20 // $bits usage
21 $display ("$bits of abc %0d",$bits(abc));
22 $display ("$bits of xyz %0d",$bits(xyz));
23 $display ("$bits of enm %0d",$bits(enm));
24 $display ("$bits of AB_t %0d",$bits(AB_t));
25 $display ("$bits of AB %0d",$bits(AB));
26 $display ("$bits of foo %0d",$bits(foo));
27 // $isunbounded
28 $display ("$isunbounded of abc %0d",$isunbounded(abc));
29 $display ("$isunbounded of xyz %0d",$isunbounded(xyz));
30 $display ("$isunbounded of enm %0d",$isunbounded(enm));
31 $display ("$isunbounded of AB %0d",$isunbounded(AB));
32 $display ("$isunbounded of foo %0d",$isunbounded(foo));
33 end
35 endmodule
You could download file system_variable.sv here

Simulator Output : Variables system tasks

$typename of abc bit signed[2:0]
$typename of xyz int
$typename of enm enum system_variable.unnamed$$
$typename of AB_t struct system_variable.AB_t
$typename of AB struct system_variable.AB_t$[0:9]
$typename of foo int
$bits of abc 3
$bits of xyz 32
$bits of enm 32
$bits of AB_t 16
$bits of AB 160
$bits of foo 32
$isunbounded of abc 0
$isunbounded of xyz 0
$isunbounded of enm 0
$isunbounded of AB 0
$isunbounded of foo 1





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
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