In last page we saw basic usage of randomize() method. randomize() method in Systemverilog has following extension. |
- constraint_mode()
- rand_mode()
- randomize() with
- pre_randomize()
- post_randomize()
Systemverilog provides the predefined constraint_mode() method to control whether a constraint is active or inactive. All constraints are initially active. |
Syntax |
task object[.constraint_identifier]::constraint_mode( bit on_off );
function int object.constraint_identifier::constraint_mode();
Where |
- object_name Is the name of the object in which the constraint block is defined.
- constraint_identifierIs the name of the constraint block to which the operation is applied.
- 1 (ON) Sets the specified constraint block to active so that it is enforced on subsequent calls to the randomize() method.
- 0 (OFF) Sets the specified constraint block to inactive so that it is not enforced on subsequent calls to the randomize() method.
- A compiler error will be issued if the specified constraint block does not exist within the class hierarchy.
constraint_mode method is really usefull when we want to randomize a class which is coded for different configs. Below example shows we can use constraint mode. |
Example : constraint_mode()
1 typedef enum {UNICAST=11,MULTICAST,BROADCAST} pkt_type;
3 program constaint_mode_ex;
4 class frame_t;
5 rand pkt_type ptype;
6 rand integer len;
7 rand bit [7:0] payload [];
8 constraint common {
9 payload.size() == len;
10 }
11 // Constraint the members
12 constraint unicast {
13 len <= 2;
14 ptype == UNICAST;
15 }
16 // Constraint the members
17 constraint multicast {
18 len >= 3;
19 len <= 4;
20 ptype == MULTICAST;
21 }
22 function string getType(pkt_type ltype);
23 begin
24 case(ltype)
25 UNICAST : getType = "UNICAST";
28 default : getType = "UNKNOWN";
29 endcase
30 end
31 endfunction
32 // Print the members of the class
33 task print() ;
34 begin
35 integer i =0;
36 $write("Packet type %s\n",getType(ptype));
37 $write("Size of frame is %0d\n",len);
38 if (payload.size() > 0) begin
39 $write("Payload is ");
40 for (i=0; i < len; i++) begin
41 $write(" %2x",payload[i]);
42 end
43 $write("\n");
44 end
45 end
46 endtask
47 endclass
49 initial begin
50 frame_t frame = new();
51 integer j = 0;
52 $write("-------------------------------\n");
53 // Do contraint for Unicast frame
54 frame.multicast.constraint_mode(0);
55 if (frame.multicast.constraint_mode() == 0) begin
56 if (frame.randomize() == 1) begin
57 frame.print();
58 end else begin
59 $write("Failed to randomize frame\n");
60 end
61 end else begin
62 $write("Failed to disable constraint multicast\n");
63 end
64 $write("-------------------------------\n");
65 // Check the status of constraint multicast
66 $write ("Constraint state of multicast is %0d\n",
67 frame.multicast.constraint_mode());
68 $write("-------------------------------\n");
69 // Now disable the unitcast and enable multicast
70 frame.unicast.constraint_mode(0);
71 frame.multicast.constraint_mode(1);
72 if (frame.randomize() == 1) begin
73 frame.print();
74 end else begin
75 $write("Failed to randomize frame\n");
76 end
77 $write("-------------------------------\n");
78 end
79 endprogram
You could download file constraint_mode_ex.sv here
Simulation Output : constraint_mode()
Packet type UNICAST
Size of frame is 1
Payload is 7d
Constraint state of multicast is 0
Packet type MULTICAST
Size of frame is 3
Payload is df 40 f7
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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com