![../images/main/bullet_green_ball.gif](../images/main/bullet_green_ball.gif) |
The SystemVerilog operators are a combination of Verilog and C operators. In both languages, the type and size of the operands is fixed, and hence the operator is of a fixed type and size. The fixed type and size of operators is preserved in SystemVerilog. |
![../images/main/bulllet_4dots_orange.gif](../images/main/bulllet_4dots_orange.gif) |
Assignment operators
In addition to the simple assignment operator, =, SystemVerilog includes the C assignment operators and special bitwise assignment operators: |
- +=
- -=
- *=
- /=
- %=
- &=
- |=
- ^=
- <<=
- >>=
- <<<=
- >>>=
An assignment operator is semantically equivalent to a blocking assignment, with the exception that any left hand side index expression is only evaluated once. |
assignment_operator ::= = | += | -= | *= | /= | %= | &= | |= | ^=
| <<= | >>= | <<<= | >>>=
conditional_expression ::= cond_predicate ? { attribute_instance }
expression : expression
unary_operator ::= + | - | ! | ~ | & | ~& | | | ~| | ^ | ~^ | ^~
binary_operator ::= + | - | * | / | % | == | != | === | !== | =?= |
!?= | && | || | ** | < | <= | > | >= | &
| | | ^ | ^~ | ~^ | >> | << | >>> | <<<
inc_or_dec_operator ::= ++ | --
unary_module_path_operator ::= ! | ~ | & | ~& | | | ~| | ^ | ~^ | ^~
binary_module_path_operator ::= == | != | && | || | & | | | ^ | ^~ | ~^
![../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif](../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif) |
Example - Assignment
1 module assignment_operator ();
3 reg [31:0] a = 100;
5 initial begin
6 $display (" a := %h", a );
7 a += 4;
8 $display (" a += 4 := %h", a );
9 a -= 4;
10 $display (" a -= 4 := %h", a );
11 a *= 4;
12 $display (" a *= 4 := %h", a );
13 a /= 4;
14 $display (" a /= 4 := %h", a );
15 a %= 17;
16 $display (" a %s= 17 := %h", "%", a );
17 a &= 16'hFFFF;
18 $display (" a &= 16'hFFFF := %h", a );
19 a |= 16'hFFFF;
20 $display (" a |= 16'hFFFF := %h", a );
21 a ^= 16'hAAAA;
22 $display (" a ^= 16h'AAAA := %h", a );
23 a <<= 4;
24 $display (" a <<= 4 := %h", a );
25 a >>= 4;
26 $display (" a >>= 4 := %h", a );
27 a <<<= 14;
28 $display (" a <<<= 14 := %h", a );
29 a >>>= 14;
30 $display (" a >>>= 14 := %h", a );
31 #1 $finish;
32 end
34 endmodule
You could download file assignment_operator.sv here
![../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif](../images/main/bullet_star_pink.gif) |
Simulator Output : Assignment
a := 00000064
a += 4 := 00000068
a -= 4 := 00000064
a *= 4 := 00000190
a /= 4 := 00000064
a %= 17 := 0000000f
a &= 16'hFFFF := 0000000f
a |= 16'hFFFF := 0000ffff
a ^= 16h'AAAA := 00005555
a <<= 4 := 00055550
a >>= 4 := 00005555
a <<<= 14 := 15554000
a >>>= 14 := 00005555
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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com