Array literals
Array literals are syntactically similar to C initializers, but with the replicate operator ( {{}} ) allowed. The nesting of braces must follow the number of dimensions, unlike in C. |
Example - Array Literals
1 `timescale 1ns/100ps
2 module array_literals ();
4 byte a [0:1][0:2] = '{'{0,1,2},'{3{8'h9}}};
6 initial begin
7 $display ("a [0][0] = %d", a[0][0]);
8 $display ("a [0][1] = %d", a[0][1]);
9 $display ("a [0][2] = %d", a[0][2]);
10 $display ("a [1][0] = %d", a[1][0]);
11 $display ("a [1][1] = %d", a[1][1]);
12 $display ("a [1][2] = %d", a[1][2]);
13 #1 $finish;
14 end
16 endmodule
You could download file array_literals.sv here
Simulator Output
a [0][0] = 0
a [0][1] = 1
a [0][2] = 2
a [1][0] = 9
a [1][1] = 9
a [1][2] = 9
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