Inheritance and subclasses
SystemVerilog's OOP implementation provides the capability of inheriting from a base class and extending its capabilities within a subclass. This concept is called inheritance. When one inherits from a class into another, the original class definition is not changed, however the new subclass contains all the properties and methods of the base class and then can optionally add additional properties and methods. SystemVerilog allows inheriting from single parent class. In Vera inheriting from multiple parents is allows as well in C++. |
Overridden Members |
To override a method means that given a base class with a method, we can define a subclass which extends from that base class and then provide a new definition for the given method. By default, the subclass inherits the base class implementation of the method but should the programmer decide to change that definition by overriding it - simply listing a new version of that method, then the new version of the method will be used instead of the parent's. |
Sub Class |
To do a full (deep) copy, where everything (including nested objects) is copied, custom code is typically needed. |
Example - Inheritance and subclasses
1 program class_inherit;
3 class A ;
4 integer j = 5;
5 task print();
6 begin
7 $display("j is %0d",j);
8 end
9 endtask
10 endclass
12 class B extends A;
13 integer i = 1;
14 // Override the parent class print
15 task print();
16 begin
17 $display("i is %0d",i);
18 $display("j is %0d",j);
19 end
20 endtask
21 endclass
23 initial begin
24 B b1;
25 b1 = new;
26 b1.print();
27 end
29 endprogram
You could download file class_inherit.sv here
Simulation - Inheritance and subclasses
i is 1
j is 5
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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
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