

Continuous Assignment Statements
Continuous assignment statements drive nets (wire data type). They represent structural connections. |
- They are used for modeling Tri-State buffers.
- They can be used for modeling combinational logic.
- They are outside the procedural blocks (always and initial blocks).
- The continuous assign overrides any procedural assignments.
- The left-hand side of a continuous assignment must be net data type.
syntax : assign (strength, strength) #(delay) net = expression; |

Example - One bit Adder

1 module adder_using_assign ();
2 reg a, b;
3 wire sum, carry;
5 assign #5 {carry,sum} = a+b;
7 initial begin
8 $monitor (" A = %b B = %b CARRY = %b SUM = %b",a,b,carry,sum);
9 #10 a = 0;
10 b = 0;
11 #10 a = 1;
12 #10 b = 1;
13 #10 a = 0;
14 #10 b = 0;
15 #10 $finish;
16 end
18 endmodule
You could download file adder_using_assign.v here


Example - Tri-state buffer

1 module tri_buf_using_assign();
2 reg data_in, enable;
3 wire pad;
5 assign pad = (enable) ? data_in : 1'bz;
7 initial begin
8 $monitor ("TIME = %g ENABLE = %b DATA : %b PAD %b",
9 $time, enable, data_in, pad);
10 #1 enable = 0;
11 #1 data_in = 1;
12 #1 enable = 1;
13 #1 data_in = 0;
14 #1 enable = 0;
15 #1 $finish;
16 end
18 endmodule
You could download file tri_buf_using_assign.v here

Propagation Delay
Continuous Assignments may have a delay specified; only one delay for all transitions may be specified. A minimum:typical:maximum delay range may be specified. |

Example - Tri-state buffer

1 module tri_buf_using_assign_delays();
2 reg data_in, enable;
3 wire pad;
5 assign #(1:2:3) pad = (enable) ? data_in : 1'bz;
7 initial begin
8 $monitor ("ENABLE = %b DATA : %b PAD %b",enable, data_in,pad);
9 #10 enable = 0;
10 #10 data_in = 1;
11 #10 enable = 1;
12 #10 data_in = 0;
13 #10 enable = 0;
14 #10 $finish;
15 end
17 endmodule
You could download file tri_buf_using_assign_delays.v here





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com