

sc_event is same as event in Verilog. It is used for process synchronization. A process instance may be triggered or resumed on the occurrence of an event, that is, when the event is notified. |

event_name.notify() is a member function notify which create an immediate notification. Any and all process instances sensitive to the event shall be made runnable before control is returned from function notify. This is same as -> event_name in Verilog. notify() function can be called with parameters as below. |

- notify() :Immediate notification
- notify(SC_ZERO_TIME) :Delta notification
- notify(1, SC_NS) :Timed notification
event_name.cancel() is is a member function which will delete any pending notification for this event. |


Example : sc_event

1 #include <systemc.h>
3 SC_MODULE (events) {
4 sc_in<bool> clock;
6 sc_event e1;
7 sc_event e2;
9 void do_test1() {
10 while (true) {
11 // Wait for posedge of clock
12 wait();
13 cout << "@" << sc_time_stamp() <<" Starting test"<<endl;
14 // Wait for posedge of clock
15 wait();
16 cout << "@" << sc_time_stamp() <<" Triggering e1"<<endl;
17 // Trigger event e1
18 e1.notify(5,SC_NS);
19 // Wait for posedge of clock
20 wait();
21 // Wait for event e2
22 wait(e2);
23 cout << "@" << sc_time_stamp() <<" Got Trigger e2"<<endl;
24 // Wait for posedge of clock
25 wait();
26 cout<<"Terminating Simulation"<<endl;
27 sc_stop(); // sc_stop triggers end of simulation
28 }
29 }
31 void do_test2() {
32 while (true) {
33 // Wait for event e2
34 wait(e1);
35 cout << "@" << sc_time_stamp() <<" Got Trigger e1"<<endl;
36 // Wait for 3 posedge of clock
37 wait(3);
38 cout << "@" << sc_time_stamp() <<" Triggering e2"<<endl;
39 // Trigger event e2
40 e2.notify();
41 }
42 }
44 SC_CTOR(events) {
45 SC_CTHREAD(do_test1,clock.pos());
46 SC_CTHREAD(do_test2,clock.pos());
47 }
48 };
50 int sc_main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
51 sc_clock clock ("my_clock",1,0.5);
53 events object("events");
54 object.clock (clock.signal());
56 sc_start(0); // First time called will init schedular
57 sc_start(); // Run the simulation till sc_stop is encountered
58 return 0;// Terminate simulation
59 }
You could download file sc_event.cpp here

Simulation Output : sc_event

@1 ns Starting test
@2 ns Triggering e1
@7 ns Got Trigger e1
@10 ns Triggering e2
@11 ns Got Trigger e2
Terminating Simulation
SystemC: simulation stopped by user.





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com